[ltr][b]Baghdad / Iraq News Network revealed the US ambassador to Iraq , Douglas Seleman, Alatnin, the desire of the President of the United States Donald Tramb, cooperation with Iraq to defeat Daesh, while announced that his country would provide millions of dollars in aid to Iraq during the year Alhala.oukal Silliman in his press conference today : " the new US president Donald Tramb, has consistently United States desire to cooperate with the Iraqi government to provide support in the war on Daesh and defeat" the statement added, " the Trump management will continue the strategy with Iraq 's agreement to be more effective in the political, cultural, educational, trade and communications field "He continued the ambassador, that" the ambassadors who US President Donald Tramb, asked them to resign their ambassadors who were appointed political appointment , "revealing" I will continue as ambassador to the United States in Iraq . "He explained," the US government will provide millions of dollars in aid to Iraq over 2017 , "stressing that" there will be additional humanitarian teams in the Nineveh plain , and we will have the efforts of the left coast to help the citizens . "and Silliman, said that" the uS government is working to restore basic services in the liberated areas of Mosul , in collaboration with the United Nations . "the American President the new Donald Tramb, had taken the decision after taking over as Alriash, dismissal of a large number of his country 's ambassadors who were appointed in the previous administration of President Barack Oobama.ahar time that last Friday saw the decrees Donald Trump 's inauguration as US president Barack Obama to succeed, to have vindicated the President 45 America.[/b][/ltr]