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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Unified prayer preacher in Baghdad demanded by clicking on the politicians to reject sectarianism an


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Unified prayer preacher in Baghdad demanded by clicking on the politicians to reject sectarianism an Empty Unified prayer preacher in Baghdad demanded by clicking on the politicians to reject sectarianism an

    Post by chouchou Fri 19 Jul 2013, 7:09 am

    Friday prayers preacher called Unified Mohammed al-Haidari of the Iraqi people to put pressure on politicians to reject sectarianism and give some support for terrorism.

    [ltr]And Haidari said in the sermon, which was held at the Mosque Khilani in the capital Baghdad, said "Islam stressed the commitment of loneliness, and his enemies wanted to disrupt the unity of Muslims to raise the slogan [divide and rule], which is still less that Mahalaot are still going to find a conflict between the Muslims on the basis of communal and sectarian and nationalist order Muslims and domination of their country and their wealth by provoking the differences. "[/ltr]

    [ltr]He added that "what we are witnessing today from conflicts between Muslims, some in the form of divisions and other killing and bombing and the displacement and bloodshed, whether in Iraq or Syria or Egypt or any other candidate countries to this conflict is for inventory concerns of people in these countries will internal and stay away from the common enemy and today everyone to Ailtvt the concerns of the Palestinian people and the Zionist aggressions against him of murder, arrests and displacement and construction Mistotant and other violations because the Islamic and Arab peoples today busy Bhmumha and the internal struggles. "[/ltr]

    [ltr]Haidari said that "Zionists today have a great opportunity to achieve their purposes malicious extension and establishment of settlements, Gaza is today suffer from two things of the Israeli blockade and the Arab world."[/ltr]

    [ltr]He preacher Friday prayers consolidated for "regret because we find that it is fueling the conflict in Iraq from this or that party in order to achieve personal interests to understand people to ايعيشون only Baltshehad water turbidity and working to support internal and implementing foreign agenda and witnessed by our country today of the killings and the bombing is part of the this sectarian planned between Shiites and Sunnis or nationalist between Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen, who are exposed today to target repeatedly to stir up discord between the components of the Iraqi people. "[/ltr]

    [ltr]He added that "bombings that affect the mosques and Shiite mosques are to provoke conflict and sectarian strife and that such prayers standard that combines Muslim Shiites and Sunnis are a thorn in the eyes of enemies and troublemakers sedition", adding that "the Iraqi people since 2005 and has so far rejected this conflict despite the presence of congestion generated by the killings and displacement of identity but they will not be dragged to such schemes that are meant to infighting among the sons of the same country. "[/ltr]

    [ltr]Haidari called on the Iraqi people to "pressure on the politicians who are trying to partisan interests and factional stirring up and inciting sectarian strife through some satellite channels, and the pressure on people Hola because refrain Wenhua this self-sectarian, which will destroy the people and bring ruin to the country."[/ltr]

    [ltr]He pointed out that "sectarian strife and nationalism that arise are foreign agenda foreign feed such as Hola money and weapons and we are in years past we see in the media control many of the weapons caches like in Iraq became the wells of the arms and not the oil and all of this is financed externally millions of dollars to support indoor and recently, some countries began to say so openly in order to stir up sectarian strife. "[/ltr]

    [ltr]The preacher called Unified Prayer "everyone to stand against terrorism and reject any invitation to sectarian fighting, and the defense of all nationalities and creeds because everyone is to blame for that." Is over.[/ltr]

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