Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Tue 07 Mar 2017, 2:00 am

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    In short

    Opening near the Muthanna Bridge   

    announced Minister of Construction and Housing and public municipalities, Ann wholesome Osei, near the opening of Al - Muthanna , north of Baghdad strategic bridge in front of traffic over the next few days. 
    Osei said, " The public Mutassim Construction Contracting Company A formations under the supervision of the ministry of roads and bridges department continues to work the left corridor from the bridge after the end of the completion of the aisle right fully reopen to traffic." 
    She said Minister of Construction, said : " The company had closed the corridor left for five days, for the purpose of completing business for injecting joists Alkonkurtih affected the bottom of the bridge , " pointing out that the opening of the bridge near the Bjanabih left and right. 

    Interior return money to the state treasury 

    announced the Office of the Inspector General of the Interior Ministry, on Monday, for the return of more than 150 million dinars to the state treasury, pointing to prevent the waste of more than 11 million last. According to the monthly report of the Directorate of audit and financial control of private office to the overall activities of the audit for the month of February, " has been re (77,496,600) dinars to the state treasury , " noting that " the Directorate recommended that (71,165,790) dinars another, and prevented waste (11,930,700) dinars , too." 

    The arrival of aid to the displaced people , Ayman Mosul 

    announced the Ministry of Displacement and Migration, and the arrival of the first convoys of relief aid to neighborhoods liberated in the right side of the city of Mosul. A statement from the ministry, the head of the work of immigration team to Ayman Mosul, Khalid Abdul Karim, as saying that "loaded with food aid trucks arrived in aid relief goods for families in the regions of Wadi Hajar and safe subsidiaries the right to the coast after their liberation from factions Daesh criminal." Said Abdul Karim, that "the Department of Immigration sent truckloads of food assistance for families included 35 tons of aid consisted food Bslat dry and boxes of cooking oil. 

    Baghdad is preparing to Flower Festival , 

    said a statement of the Secretariat of Baghdad , said" Amina Baghdad briefed on the ongoing preparations , which began implementation Parks Department and reforestation through the creation of pavilions and provincial and municipal departments in the chosen location , near the Japanese restaurant on the other side of the lake Zawraa Park countries. " 
    He added," this year 's festival will feature alongside shows flowers offers traditional and folkloric represent the folklore of the participating countries and the establishment of many cultural and artistic activities and events. " 
    weather ..
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