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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Mon 20 Feb 2017, 2:15 am

    In short

    Fire devours Chechnya market in Wasit and cause big losses , 

    witnesses reported that a fire broke out at a popular market for the sale of vegetables and foodstuffs city of Kut, and the majority of the owners of the poor , leaving considerable material losses, with Benoit that the cause of the fire back electric contact, they stressed that civil defense teams managed to extinguished before it spread to dozens of shops Alokhry.oukal a witness, named Majid Juma (range), " the fire broke out at six o'clock on Sunday morning, in Chechnya market in the city of Kut, which is the market president for the sale of vegetables in addition to other food." He added that "many of those stores within the market in question, burned out completely, especially since some of them were closed and that the flames quickly spread at the time of the materials used in roofing helped those stores, which are simple materials, the speed of the spread of fire." He drew another citizen named Saadoun Jaber, that " the cause of the fire back electric contact happened in a shop, but it quickly spread to neighboring shops, as it burned several shops fully, with sustained damage to many other shops, to varying degrees, without that there will be losses mankind". 
    Pure and stated that " the losses caused by fire, is a great material losses that the bulk of the shops in the market, the damage rate of the one hundred percent." The winter season is often seen a lot of fire for various reasons such as heaters or for the existence of contactless electrical loads as a result of the 

    The Electoral Commission extended update process Albaaomitri 

     announced the head of the election administration in the election commission, Wael al - Waeli, Sunday, to extend update operations to record Albaaomitri for three days expire at the end of working hours on Thursday, 02/23/2017. 
    Waeli said in a statement received "Eye Iraq News" that this extension is final to give a last chance for voters to review Albaaomitri registration centers to take fingerprints of the ten voters with a personal image of each voter has not reviewed so far in preparation for the printing of the electronic voter cards and delivered according to its own schedule 
    The Commission previously identified on 20.02.2017 deadline for reviewing Albaaomitri registration centers for the purpose of updating the voter information.

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