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    Abadi: a new policy of the government for the reconstruction of the country

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    Abadi: a new policy of the government for the reconstruction of the country Empty Abadi: a new policy of the government for the reconstruction of the country

    Post by Rocky Wed 19 Apr 2017, 2:36 am

    Abadi: a new policy of the government for the reconstruction of the country


    4/19/2017 0:00

    Kurds have no interest in holding a referendum current time ¶   revealed an increase in allocations in the crowd next month , Baghdad / morning / Alaa al - Tai

    Alive Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces, Haider al-Abadi, the victories achieved by the security forces once again demonstrated its superiority over gangs "Daesh" terrorist, adding hundreds of foil terrorist operations of the enemy.
    He also confirmed that the government's foreign policy in the continuous evolution of the world today looks admiringly to the victories of Iraqis and their success, praised the Jordanian government's stance and its actions against the actions of its citizens, and burning images of religious and political symbols. This comes at a time when the Council of Ministers decided to exempt private companies and public fines, and support the cadres of the Ministry of Interior to 25 thousand new security component and the development of mechanisms to support the federal police.
    Abortion hundreds of terrorist operations
    , said Abadi, at his weekly press which was attended by the "morning": " The security forces continued to advance on the right side of Mosul and incursions into the old neighborhoods , " asserting that Daesh passes the final stages , despite his desperate attempts to use civilians as human shields " .  
    Abadi pointed out that "terrorists plans are clearly defined in Mosul, they are trying Pettmtershm behind civilians take charge of the security forces that do not need to be acquitted after that made big sacrifices to protect our people in Mosul and other areas , " noting that " the security and intelligence forces aborted M Categories of terrorist operations aimed to bring violations and create sedition were many terrorists , some of whom arrest revealed their residents. "  
    The commander of the armed forces that" the heroes of our security forces have become a matter of admiration of all the peoples and nations of the world Pfrossithm and their sacrifices, "pointing out that" some people stand by terrorism and supported in terms of knowing or not knowing through his or Trbesh violations to launch an attack on our security forces who are fighting and offering great sacrifices in order to achieve final victory and decisively against terrorism. "
    Abadi praised the" efforts of the security forces in the fight against organized crime and to hold accountable the perpetrators and bring them to the law, let while Tribal leaders to cooperate with the security forces in enforcing the law and an end to the phenomenon of tribal conflicts that threaten the security of citizens and provinces. " To control the flood of the Tigris In another matter, the chief executive assured the citizens of Salah al - Din as " the end of a wave of flooding of the Tigris River , " explaining that "has flood control and turn it into Lake Tharthar to take advantage of the surplus and stored water for agricultural purposes", while citizens warned of " settlement within the river basin it 's a flood in the season. " In another context, Abadi called troublemakers and instigators of sedition politicians to "stop the political bickering and resort to the judiciary to provide own documents instead of resorting to the media and to leave the country and provide the service to the citizen." During the conference , the Prime Minister answered questions from journalists that included files concerning the internal and external affairs, said: " The government merely revokes the soldiers fleeing decades of confrontations Daesh terrorist gangs away from the military trial." He said Abadi , that " the government announced a general amnesty twice at a time when security forces are engaged in fierce battles against Daesh terrorist gangs , but the small number of them returned to his position , " asserting that " the government canceled the contracts based on the military decision of the competent courts did not us other measures about them. " He called the Commander in Chief of the armed forces who wish to return to the army to "submit a request for the reasons of consistence to leave their site , " noting that "Iraq needs fighters have strength and courage to those who do not want to return to his position after the end of the fighting." The kidnapping of Qatari fishermen  and the salaries of the popular crowd delay, Abadi refuted these rumors, and stressed " the government 's obligation to pay their salaries within the budget allocations and the popular crowd and seek to find other sources to add them." While praised the "popular crowd and fighters who volunteered to defend Iraq , not for salaries," revealed " an increase in allocations popular crowd as early as next month."  In response to the issue of fishermen Qatari kidnapped, the prime minister said that " the abduction of a crime and abuse of every Iraqi because their income was officially and with the knowledge of the Ministry of the Interior and former its Minister," adding that " the government and country side cooperate for their release and asked the Qatari ambassador to the non - resident in Iraq help in the release. " And on Iraq 's foreign policy, between al - Abadi said : "Our policy is built on the basis of common interests and serve our country , " pointing out that "our relationship with countries governed by Iraqi targets and interests, including the fight against terrorism or open skies investment with all countries and companies discreet in the world." Ebadi said that: "Iraq is not part of the hostility between the states and we are not a party to the conflict between the United States and other countries , " noting that the Iraq crisis requires to open the doors of investment , especially after the financial crisis and falling oil prices. "Abadi said that" the government is working according to a new policy for the reconstruction the country through contracting with international companies and this will reflect positively on the revenue and the provision of services and rehabilitation of roads and bridges and provide job opportunities for thousands of Iraqis unemployed , "noting that" the government has decided to work with international companies , the heads of US, Turkish and Iraqi funds operating in the country for years in collaboration with the ministries Interior Construction and Housing within the coordinated plans for a global context in place , even in rich countries. " The file for the flag of the region and the referendum into an important conference of Prime Minister, Abadi has been considered the flag of the region , " an encroachment on the powers and the Constitution ", while the view that the threat of the referendum on secession from whether or not that "the timing was not appropriate because there is no interest in the Kurdistan region in it. Abadi said that " For the sake of Kurdish citizens because they are Iraqis fear that gets dropped all the benefits obtained and possibly separation leads to a setback extends to tens of years, as the Aldaasha gangs of terrorism are still present and there is a danger to the security of the region , " stressing that " the majority of politicians Kurds with this view but what arises perhaps because of political conflicts or speculations , according to deputies in response. " The House of Representatives session in the meantime, the voice of the Council of Ministers, in its regular, on Tuesday, headed by al - Abadi, to support the owners of the Federal Police, while discussed drinking water desalination project in the province of Basra. According to the statement of the Council, received the "morning", that during the meeting "vote on the recommendations of the committee formed for the purpose of audit and investigation of the work of the collaborative activity of the General Union of cooperation and compliance with the provisions of the law," adding that he also was voted " to exempt private companies and the public from the delay penalties as it has approved the inclusion of all construction companies , whether executing projects in the investment budget or operational or ongoing contracted in accordance with the instructions and implementation of government contracts in force at the time the Council of Ministers resolution No. 7 of 2016 and to extend the exemption of the public and private sectors Algr companies Matt The delay resulting from the lack of dues in exchange. " The statement added that the Council "voted on the report of Iraq Alqdhaealy Convention on All Forms of Racial Discrimination, as the vote on the draft amendment to the law of the first law of civil presses No. (5) for the year 1999 , and referred to the House of Representatives." The Board also voted on " the formation of the Supreme National Water Committee of the importance of the water issue of the country and that poses a wealth should be used with its best to serve the country and the citizen", while the "adoption of marketing wheat crop year plan 2017 to support the agricultural sector in the country." The statement added that the Council of Ministers "discussed drinking water desalination project in the province of Basra , as was submitted offers advanced companies to accelerate the implementation of the project was also set up a committee headed by the Prime Minister to put the directions required to secure drinking water, water desalination, secure transmission and distribution networks for the people of Basra province." The statement pointed out that the Council voted to "support the angel of the Federal Police, has also been re - vote on refunds from farmers to agricultural lending initiative fund." The prime minister said during a meeting with Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Baghdad , Hassan Ahmed Al Shehhi, Iraq 's determination to sustain communication with the UAE, while the price of ambassador to the UAE keenness on developing relations between Iraq and the United Arab Emirates and stimulate investment movement.

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