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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    High Nassif accuses the United States of Saudi Arabia's involvement discreet feeding violence in Ira

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    High Nassif accuses the United States of Saudi Arabia's involvement discreet feeding violence in Ira Empty High Nassif accuses the United States of Saudi Arabia's involvement discreet feeding violence in Ira

    Post by Rocky Fri 16 Aug 2013, 8:28 am

    High Nassif accuses the United States of Saudi Arabia's involvement discreet feeding violence in Iraq

    08/16/13 - Khandan - accused the MP for the coalition in Iraq, free high Nassif United States discreet on Saudi involvement in feeding violence in Iraq.

    She said Nassif in a statement received "Khandan" a copy of it: "The leaks published by the U.S. media about the reports of the U.S. ambassador in Iraq on the involvement of Saudi Arabia in the destabilization of Iraq, evidence of contempt for America, the Convention on the strategic framework and lack of seriousness in supporting the security and sovereignty of Iraq, if it is serious In order to provide this information to Iraq rather than conceal them for the past periods. "

    She added: "The report of the U.S. ambassador who carried information about the Saudi role in tampering with the security of Iraq confirms confirms hypotheses previous recommendation that Saudi Arabia is interfering in Iraqi affairs and fueling violence in Iraq, and this indicates clearly that Saudi Arabia has become a source of disorder security to its neighbors through the feeding of violence fatwas of murder and insecurity in neighboring countries and its support for al-Qaeda. "

    It continued: "The commitment of the U.S. side silence towards state intervention in Iraq could be interpreted that he (Blessing U.S.) for those interventions, and this in itself is a disregard for Iraq and the blood of Iraqis, disrespect strategic framework agreement, and the failure of the United States diplomatically when concluded the strategic framework agreement with this and do not adhered to. "

    The U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Christopher Hill had said in a confidential report has leaking Guardian newspaper that "there are intelligence sources indicate to the Saudi Gulf effort to destabilize the Maliki government and the current financing of al-Qaeda attacks in Iraq."

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