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    China conducted a test firing of a new type

    Admin Assist
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     China conducted a test firing of a new type Empty China conducted a test firing of a new type

    Post by Rocky Wed 10 May 2017, 4:00 am

    China conducted a test firing of a new type

    22:20 - 09/05/2017

    It confirmed the Chinese Defense Ministry, Tuesday, conducting a successful pilot launch of a new type of missiles.

    It announced that China's defense in a statement issued on Tuesday: "in order to strengthen the armed forces capabilities in the implementation of its tasks effectively and to respond to threats to national security, missile forces carried out in the past few days, in the framework of the annual exercises periodic, in the Bohai Bay (Yellow Sea), a test of missile weapons of a new type. "

    The ministry confirmed that the test achieved the "expected result", without giving any further details about the experience is known that China has conducted, on 20 April, a military exercise in the Bohai Bay near the Korean peninsula.

    The exercises included drills on fire and tests of new missiles to that, Chinese media reported that a large group of aircraft J-5 hit targets during the exercises. It also participated in the exercises, the latest Chinese destroyers carrying missiles of the type of Xining.

    A week ago, US military completed the deployment system "THAAD" (THAAD) anti-missiles in South Korea, near the city Songjo located in the "North Gyeongsang Province," the province east of the country. Under the pretext of the North Korean threat.

    Missiles "THAAD" capable of destroying ballistic missiles short and medium-range within a maximum height of 200 kilometers and 150 Iklmtra.oothar send US missiles "THAAD" to intercept South Korea from China, Russia and North Korea.

    China and the United States demanded the immediate deactivating missile weapon systems deployed in South Korea, vowing to take the necessary measures to protect the interests of the country.

    It announced the Chinese Defense Ministry, on the tongue of her spokesman, at the end of April, last, that the national army will continue to prepare its soldiers for the purpose of conducting exercises and the development of new types of weapons and tested in order to ensure national security and stability in the region. Finished / 25 d

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