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    A huge fire devoured residential towers in London and leaves victims

    Admin Assist
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    A huge fire devoured residential towers in London and leaves victims Empty A huge fire devoured residential towers in London and leaves victims

    Post by Rocky Thu 15 Jun 2017, 1:58 am

    A huge fire devoured residential towers in London and leaves victims

     LONDON / AFP

    A fire broke out in a huge residential tower consisting of 24 floors in central London on Wednesday, injuring a number of people and take them to the hospital.
    Police said in a statement: «We can confirm the fall of the six people at the present time after the fire in North Kensington», follow «these very early stages , and we expect the number to rise».

    The fire covered the dense sides of the building at a time when fought 200 firefighters fire with the help of 40 vehicles. It mounted black plumes of smoke into the London Fire Alhoa.oohart band to fire charges all floors comprising 130 residential apartments from the second until the last tower of Greenville, in Lancaster West area west of London.
    The head of the fire brigade London assistant Dan Daly: «This large and extremely dangerous incident, and we hired many specialized resources and equipment». It was the site of more than 20 ambulance crew, while the head of the band Danny Coton told reporters: «I regret at this time to confirm the number of deaths. I can not currently confirm the number given the size and complexity of the building ».
    The «Throughout the 29 years of my work in the fire, I have not seen anything on this scale». We «our teams are still working to control the fire, and conducting systematic search».
    The band confirmed that they checked the building as well as an architect and said it « is not threatened by the danger of collapse, and that the presence of our teams inside does not constitute a danger to them.»
    The London Mayor Sadiq Khan, said that « the authorities announced a significant incident». Police sealed off a road leading to head west London, in addition to parts of the London Underground network as a precaution.
    Some British media reported that the fire surrounded some people, and residents were screaming for help from the windows of the upper floors of the spread of fire. She explained a witness that they fear the inability of all residents to escape. Some residents were evacuated, dressed in pajamas. He spoke of the population how to smell the fire woke up smoke, and how they rushed to escape through smoke - filled corridors.
    One resident told «BBC» and named Michael Baramasevan (BBC): « I looked from the observation lens in the door and saw smoke everywhere, and there was all the neighbors. One of the firemen shouting pulled down peace », adding that « it was a living hell ».
    Some of the population and that the reforms were most humble recently the facade of the building, said Ash Sha , 30, who saw the fire that « the local council , the renewal of the tower» and added «new general council before the building from the inside
    and outside». A number of the population that they had received tips to stay in their apartments in the event of a fire. And warned residents of the building association in the former risk of a major fire broke out . Khan said «We have a lot of residential towers around London, and can not accept it is to endanger the safety of people at risk as a result of bad advice or lack of appropriate residential towers maintenance». The deputy director of the London ambulance operations Stuart Crichton said in a statement on «Twitter»: «take us so far more than 50 injured to five hospitals across London, in the wake of the Greenville Tower accident».
    Police said « a number of people being treated for injuries. The evacuation of the population from the residential tower burning. » The fire brigade did not explain the fire , which broke out before one o'clock in the morning reason (00:00 GMT).

      Current date/time is Wed 18 Sep 2024, 3:02 am