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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    Suicide Bombers Attack Iraq Funeral, Police, 109 Killed, 173 Wounded


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Suicide Bombers Attack Iraq Funeral, Police, 109 Killed, 173 Wounded Empty Suicide Bombers Attack Iraq Funeral, Police, 109 Killed, 173 Wounded

    Post by chouchou Sun 22 Sep 2013, 4:38 am

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    TEHRAN (FNA)- At least 109 people were killed and 173 more were wounded, mostly in two brazen attacks.

     In the worst assault, suicide bombers targeted a funeral in heavily populated Sadr City. Suicide bombers, these wearing police uniforms, also took advantage of a national police station in the North, as the commandos were out on maneuvers, reported Saturday.

    Two suicide bombers attacked a Sadr City funeral, leaving 72 dead and 120 wounded. The first bomber stationed an explosives-laden car near a funeral tent in this large district of the capital.

    A second bomber then walked in before exploding his bombs. A car bombing was also reported in the Jamila neighborhood, but the number of casualties wasn’t reported.

    In Baghdad, a bomb killed nine people and wounded 14 more in the Ur neighborhood, near Sadr City. Four people were killed in a shooting at a liquor store in Adhamiya district.

    Six suicide bombers dressed in SWAT uniforms stormed a police commando headquarters in Baiji, where they killed seven policemen and wounded 21 others. Many of the real commandos stationed there were out on a security operation at the time.

    In Mosul, two prison guards were killed at their homes; the one of their mothers was wounded. A roadside bomb killed two soldiers and wounded four more. A soldier was shot dead at a checkpoint. A lawmaker’s home was blown up.

    One person was killed and six more were wounded when an I.E.D. exploded near homes and shops in Abu Ghraib.

    Gunmen killed one Sahwa member and wounded four more in Shirqat.

    Smugglers at the Syrian border killed a captain and wounded two soldiers.

    One soldier was killed and another was wounded when an I.E.D. blew up near Falluja.

    A clash took place in Hawija, but no casualties were reported.

    A bomb targeting the deputy chairman of the Anbar province council exploded in Amiriyat al-Falluja, but no casualties were reported.

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    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Suicide Bombers Attack Iraq Funeral, Police, 109 Killed, 173 Wounded Empty Sadr city casualties reach 280 deaths, injuries

    Post by chouchou Sun 22 Sep 2013, 4:39 am

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    Baghdad ( Security sources marked the rising of the casualties of the suicide bombing that took place in Sadr city into 280 deathjs and injuries.

    Security source reported to “The latest statistics of the hospitals state that the casualties of the double explosion of Sadr city reached 78 deaths and 202 injuries.”

    Two car bombs have targeted a condolence gathering in Sadr city of eastern Baghdad.

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      Current date/time is Thu 19 Sep 2024, 9:38 am