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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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3 posters

    Academy: the old economic laws hinder investment

    Interacting Investor
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    Academy: the old economic laws hinder investment Empty Academy: the old economic laws hinder investment

    Post by lonelyintexas Mon 23 Sep 2013, 5:42 pm

    Academy: the old economic laws hinder investment

    24/09/2013 12:00 AM

    BAGHDAD - morning

    Academic saw Dr. Majid economic Baidhani that the old economic laws which are still in force until now limit the activity of the private sector and impede the investment process .

    He told the (morning) that the private banking sector , for example, has the desire to enter into the process of economic development , but the Article 28 of the Banking Act represents the main obstacle to private banks as it prevents them from direct investment in various projects.

    He stressed the importance of expediting passage of a new banking law that would improve performance by banking by giving the opportunity for banks to exercise commercial activities and engage in development of investment projects to serve the country's economy .

    He pointed out that the process of transition to a market economy is not easy but it is required for the purpose of re - productive economic cycle and reduce the contradictions and overlap between the laws of the market and the needs of economic and social development .

    Calling to reduce the dominance of the public sector on the joints of the economy in general, and support the private sector to attract investment companies.

    In the context of the relevant member of the Committee rejected the economy and investment Attorney Aamir winner , approve the proposal important economic laws that are still disabled within the House of Representatives and one basket , and describing it as an illegal and lacks legitimacy .

    He said in a statement that he can not collect all economic laws one basket and approved without discussion article by article , this measure would hurt the country and serve the interests of factional within the quotas will enter politics.

    He added that no country in the world works this any mechanism recognizes the laws without the detailed discussion in the form to see what serves country and Midharh , noting that there are some paragraphs and articles of laws that do not fit , how the law is approved without a vote on the article.

    He called for the discussion of all economic laws and develop appropriate solutions for the purpose of legally approved a law is not passed one basket .

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    DieHard Investor
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    Academy: the old economic laws hinder investment Empty Re: Academy: the old economic laws hinder investment

    Post by wayoutnow Mon 23 Sep 2013, 9:00 pm

    All laws !!!! Until now !!!! Need passed as I think they will or have been done already !!!!! Tariff economic and investiment laws are all on the verge of reality $$$$

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    Academy: the old economic laws hinder investment Empty Re: Academy: the old economic laws hinder investment

    Post by Neno Tue 24 Sep 2013, 4:09 am

    wayoutnow wrote:All laws !!!! Until now !!!! Need passed as I think they will or have been done already !!!!! Tariff economic and investiment laws are all on the verge of reality $$$$
    like mochasmom said after VII was lifted, "They should of had this done prior". I say they may had or they may hadn't but, they sure making it sound like their fixing too.

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