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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Troy newspaper has interesting details about Sistani's life: he renews residence regularly and s

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    The Troy newspaper has interesting details about Sistani's life: he renews residence regularly and s Empty The Troy newspaper has interesting details about Sistani's life: he renews residence regularly and s

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Sep 2017, 3:47 am

    The Troy newspaper has interesting details about Sistani's life: he renews residence regularly and sleeps on the roof

    09:32 - 18/09/2017

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai reported on Monday the details of the life of the religious authority Sayyid Ali al-Sistani. He said he was renewing his residence permit because he did not have Iraqi nationality, pointing out that the supreme authority of the Shiites sleeps on the roof to escape the heat.
    "Mr. Sistani is an Iranian who lives in Najaf and has never asked for Iraqi citizenship, but renews his residence permit for himself and his family regularly," the newspaper said in a report from three episodes published today. Sistani is more than an ordinary man, he is the spiritual leader of the Shia and has enough spiritual power to rule Iraq. "
    The newspaper added that the reference "does not request services from the government, as does some other references. On the contrary, it closes its doors and refuses to meet with politicians, ministers and even the prime minister when they do not fulfill their promises to fight corruption and provide social services and health care for Iraqis."
    The newspaper said that "the most powerful man in Iraq is suffering enormously, as every Iraqi suffers, when the temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius at a time when his home failed and power outages for hours," noting that "years ago was trying to Mr. Sistani convince his neighbor to extinguish the generator "He had to sleep on the roof of the house to escape the heat, as most Iraqis do in the hot summer."
    According to the newspaper, "Mr. Sistani's house consists of a few rooms on the ground floor, and rooms attached to the house and the other opposite the street and places of Najaf, which deals with reviews and religious questions and legitimate rights and distribution of money to students of the estate and the poor and the needy and the wounded and families of martyrs and newly married and in one of those rooms sitting The author and his author, the most trusted Sheikh Mohammed Hassan Ansari. "
    The newspaper pointed out in its report that "the reference has not yet intervened for the benefit or against any person, as there is no among the candidates and names known any person acceptable acceptable to lead Iraq and get rid of the bankruptcy and the large number of corrupt and rebuild the cohesion between the multiple communities in Iraq," asserting that " Mr. al-Sistani does not want to interfere so that no one will blame him for the future (the upcoming elections in 2018) and so the door closed his door to politicians and members of the government refusing to receive anyone. " Ending / 25

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