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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    German Defense Minister: We stopped the military training program in Erbil

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    German Defense Minister: We stopped the military training program in Erbil Empty German Defense Minister: We stopped the military training program in Erbil

    Post by Rocky Fri 20 Oct 2017, 2:33 am

    German Defense Minister: We stopped the military training program in Erbil
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    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - 
    Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi received a telephone call from German Defense Minister Ursula von der Lien on Thursday, citing political and security developments in Iraq and the region.
    "Germany has suspended its military training program in Erbil following recent developments to send a message showing that it is with the unity of Iraq and it trusts the leadership of Haider al-Abadi," Ursula said in a statement.
    Germany will work to develop capacity-building programs as well as other areas to be discussed after the formation of the German government to support partners, including Iraq, which Germany is keen to establish the best relations with.
    Ursula thanked the efforts of the Iraqi government and the cooperation of Abadi and his positive attitude towards the referendum crisis, indicating that Germany did not support the idea of ​​the referendum and that it had spoken with Barzani.
    For his part, Abadi thanked Germany's position in support of Iraq's unity, stressing that what happened was the redeployment of Iraqi federal forces and the imposition of order in the province of Kirkuk within the legal and constitutional procedures.
    He said that the Iraqi forces have expelled a supporter, leaving only the security of the border with Syria, and will be a very important after-stage, which is to restore stability to liberated areas, noting that the relations between Iraq and Germany are good, and there is distinct cooperation between the two countries in the field of intelligence, To establish another program of security cooperation.
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