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    "Hashmi" reveals the involvement of leaders of the Revolutionary Guards and the army in major corrup

    Admin Assist
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    "Hashmi" reveals the involvement of leaders of the Revolutionary Guards and the army in major corrup Empty "Hashmi" reveals the involvement of leaders of the Revolutionary Guards and the army in major corrup

    Post by Rocky Tue 10 Jul 2018, 4:01 am

    "Hashmi" reveals the involvement of leaders of the Revolutionary Guards and the army in major corruption cases
    July 10 2018 04:45 p
    "Hashmi" reveals the involvement of leaders of the Revolutionary Guards and the army in major corrup 6201715233514941118807
    [rtl][rtl]Revolutionary Guards[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    Iraq news
    The head of the Iranian capital city council, Mohsen Hashemi, revealed the involvement of the Revolutionary Guards' militia in corruption and underdevelopment cases in building permits in the capital, saying that the corruption of the Revolutionary Guard is common in all Iranian cities. 

    According to a news report with the Isna news agency, Hashemi said that the phenomenon of the failure of building licenses and change of work has become the most common corruption in Tehran and various provinces in Iran, noting that only between 2015 and 2016 recorded about 26 thousand cases of corruption of building infringing on The area covered 5 million square meters. 

    In his speech, Hashemi referred to the case of his predecessor, Mohammad Baqir Qalibaf, who revealed his involvement with senior Revolutionary Guard and Iranian armed forces in corruption of more than 10,000,000 Tumans (Iranian currency). This led to the commissioning of the guide, Ali Khamenei, , Chief of Staff of the army, "Mohammed Baqri"

    A senior Iranian parliamentarian and deputy speaker of parliament, Ali Motahari, reported that five people were arrested in connection with the case, including four members of the Revolutionary Guards and a fifth member of the armed forces. . 

    Iranian media reported that the main motive behind the chief of staff, Bagheri, was responsible for following up on the issue. He was the involvement of the assistant of the military intelligence service in the Iranian armed forces, Sayyid Hassan Betwalli, as well as of the investigations of the leaders of the armed forces intelligence services. 

    The head of the Tehran Council "Hashemi" revealed the indebtedness of the "cooperation" of the Revolutionary Guards after signing an agreement with the Tehran Municipality on the design of construction projects in the capital.

    Iran is experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis after the devaluation of the local currency to its lowest levels against foreign currencies, which led to the cessation of many traders and businessmen, buying and selling and the withdrawal of companies from the markets. 

    In protest against the corruption of leaders of the regime and the Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iranian citizens have been protesting against the corruption of the regime, dislodging the people's revolutions and implicating the state treasury in external battles.


      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 8:21 pm