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    Calls to curb the use of fossil fuels in Iraq and the adoption of alternative energy

    Admin Assist
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    Calls to curb the use of fossil fuels in Iraq and the adoption of alternative energy Empty Calls to curb the use of fossil fuels in Iraq and the adoption of alternative energy

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Jul 2018, 2:08 am

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    Calls to curb the use of fossil fuels in Iraq and the adoption of alternative energy

    Fossil and fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) are the main source of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, which requires a halt to oil industry support, sustainability in investing these resources on the ground, and encouraging scientific research in alternative energy alternatives Solar, wind, sea waves and pyomas).
    Iraq is one of the countries producing fossil fuels in the Middle East, which suffers from water and air pollution due to the burning of associated gas in most of its oil fields, which produces many of the polluting gases, in addition to pollution in old refining and non-compliance with the environment and consumption of high value fuel pollutants .
    Because of the increasing demand for these resources and the development of technology, new methods have emerged for obtaining these resources, especially oil and gas. Developed countries and international companies have resorted to the use of "hydraulic cracking" technology for oil and natural gas exploration. It is a controversial technology that extracts wealth from the ground, Of environmental disasters.
    Significant environmental hazards caused by prospecting
    "Increased concern and concern about the environmental, health and other hazards and risks that may be caused by hydrothermal drilling, such as groundwater pollution, air pollution, and the migration of minerals and underground gases from the ground to the surface," said Dr. Ramadan Hamza, As well as the air triangulation caused by hydraulic cracking, is causing serious health problems for communities near drilling sites. "
    "Hydraulic cracking is a way to stimulate the extraction of gas from non-porous layers by flowing liquid between the rocks in the ground, creating cracks and fractures in the layers of non-porous rocks, and injecting large amounts of compressed water deep into the well," Hamza told the Journal. Which can lead to a change in the geological and geological conditions of the rocks and change from the natural slope of the cracks, either increase in size or cause other slip errors, which affects the probability of seismic activities in the region, so the hydraulic cracking technique may be worse than the use of coal to produce energy.
    Iraq plans to adopt gas instead of fuel
    Spokesman for the Iraqi Oil Ministry, Asim Jihad, stressed that "the majority of countries in the world resort to the use of fuel available to them, or that represents the least expensive, and since Iraq has a wealth of hydrocarbon wealth, it is natural to rely on oil derivatives, with growing Interest in gas fuel in the generation of electric power or in the operation of factories, cars and so on. "
    "Liquid gas is environmentally friendly and Iraq is planning to stop gas burning in the next few years. Iraq can invest wind, solar energy, etc. to cover a limited part of the local need, along with the indispensable gas fuel," Jihad told The Journal News. Not only in Iraq but in many countries of the world. "
    Iraq is the world's most polluted
    "Fossil fuels are a complex group of hydrocarbons, but their extraction, refining and use is a polluting process by introducing carbon dioxide, in addition to other gases before purifying the extracted fossil fuel," he said.
    "Iraq is one of the most polluted countries because of the burning of associated gas in most of its oil fields, which produces many of the polluting gases, as well as pollution in old refineries and their lack of conformity to the environment and the consumption of high-value fuels with pollutants," Mohammad Ali told the Journal News.
    Mohamed Ali stressed the need to stop the production of fossil fuels because of its climate and environmental impact, and for current solutions at present not to treat the associated gas and modernize the filtration and refining systems and the use of refining units and attention to improving the fuel type, noting the need to stand up to fossil pollutants and reduce the effects and adoption of renewable clean energy file As a long-term strategic solution.
    Fossil fuel definition
    Fossil fuel is a fuel used to produce fossil energy and is extracted from fossil fuels such as coal, black oil, natural gas and oil.
    These substances, in turn, are extracted from the ground and burned in the air with oxygen to produce heat used in all fields.
    The composition of fossil fuels depends on the carbon cycle in nature, and so the energy is stored (solar) through ancient times to be used today this energy.
    According to global estimates, in 2030, fossil sources will cover about 90% of the global energy demand. In 2005, this figure was 81%. Biomass is derived from wood and various organic wastes.
    The industrial revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries coincided with the use of fossil energy in the technical field, especially coal at that time. Today, however, crude oil plays a major role in meeting energy needs because it is easy to extract, process and transport, making it more expensive .
    As previously mentioned, fossil combustion materials are based on carbon element compounds. When carbon is burned with oxygen gas, energy is emitted in the form of heat, in addition to the emission of carbon dioxide and other chemicals such as nitrogen oxides, soot and particulate matter.

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