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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Government uses the Fund (DFI) to pay operational expenses

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277102
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Government uses the Fund (DFI) to pay operational expenses Empty The Government uses the Fund (DFI) to pay operational expenses

    Post by Rocky Wed 12 Mar 2014, 12:13 pm

    The Government uses the Fund (DFI) to pay operational expenses

    Baghdad/Orr news

    Parliamentary committees confirmed that the delay in approving the budget would cost Iraq $ 6 billion per month, is likely to delay the implementation of projects to 2015 because of the delay in passing the budget, until the first quarter of 2014.

    Hassan said Wahab, a member of the Finance Committee in the Chamber of deputies that "Iraq loses large sums of more than $ 6 billion per month, because of the late adoption of the budget." he gave away, "all political blocs are responsible, as the Government did agree on a certain formula to avoid the current nation."

    "Disable paging implementation means investment projects a year, which currently gets." was, "the Government is currently spending of proceeds from the oil Fund (DFI) means that they have the operational expenditures and bugs in project funds.

    The planning Ministry said the high percentage of operating budget in the year 2014, the expected growth in the labour force "embarrassed" the current budget situation. He gave "not to pass the budget to the current political situation indicates a delay in the formation of the next Government, it will going astray on the financial system and the economy in General."

    The House began last January, the first reading of the general budget law for the year 2014, but failed, while the State of law Coalition accused the Kurdish coalition are United to block the pass. Experts say the financial and economic situation is linked to the budget is critical, as the age of the Parliament to an end without reaching a consensus for approval.

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