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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Education implements a project that prevents the falsification of certificates and documents

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Education implements a project that prevents the falsification of certificates and documents Empty Education implements a project that prevents the falsification of certificates and documents

    Post by Rocky Wed 31 Jul 2019, 1:51 am

    Education implements a project that prevents the falsification of certificates and documents
    Wednesday 31 July 2019 :
    09:14 am

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    The Ministry of Education is preparing to implement the draft unified document, which carries more security features and specifications to avoid forging certificates. 

    The Director of Evaluation and Examinations in the Ministry, Nima Harbi said in a statement to the official Al-Sabah newspaper that his directorate "through its annual plans to decipher the certificates and documents issued by it, it is working on the implementation of the draft unified document, which will be unique to it to contribute to a qualitative leap in the process of issuing documents in a safer manner And reliability, "noting that" the project will be the issuance of documents carrying a (bar code) private containing all the information of the owner of the The document, which will facilitate the detection of forged documents immediately process, as well as he would work to prevent future forgery by specialists who confirmed that they are in certain places known among the citizens. "

    He added that the information that will be carried out by the barcode for each document will include a complete archiving of all the information of the owner of the document in an electronic manner, which will be read through an electronic special device also, "adding that" the Directorate has begun the stages of implementation of the project and it is hoped to introduce it to service during the coming period " . 

    " the project will contribute to easing the momentum on the issuance of documents manually, as well as that CNNThe blood of great services to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research revealed through private input institutes and colleges forged documents from the sixth preparatory students, in addition to the use of the program in order to encrypt this information for any users that it will be non-porous electronic. "

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