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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Proposed conversion to electronic cash handling to improve the payments system in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Proposed conversion to electronic cash handling to improve the payments system in Iraq  Empty Proposed conversion to electronic cash handling to improve the payments system in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 28 Apr 2014, 12:40 pm

    Proposed conversion to electronic cash handling to improve the payments system in Iraq

    April 28, 2014 11:19

    Proposed a financial expert on behalf of Hadi, converting cash handling financial to exchange mail to improve the payments system in the country. Said Hadi told / JD /: "It has to be working on the development of the Iraqi banking system with the latest technologies to allow him to introduce electronic systems of modern financial dealings, and convert cash handling Financial cash to electronic, just like most of the countries of the world. "according to the news agency JD
    He said: "The process of cash transfer will improve the payments system in the country and facilitate financial transactions, especially after the advent of e-commerce and spread widely among most countries, especially that Iraq has business dealings with big countries in the region and the countries of East Asia", calling for "the need for legislation Rules governing the work in ways that payment. "He stressed the importance of the introduction of" chunked national "which was adopted by the central bank, which includes linking local banks network unified communications managed by a specialized international company and under the direct supervision by the central bank, to support financial transactions electronic.

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    Posts : 10948
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    Proposed conversion to electronic cash handling to improve the payments system in Iraq  Empty Re: Proposed conversion to electronic cash handling to improve the payments system in Iraq

    Post by Neno Mon 28 Apr 2014, 9:12 pm

    Electronic Transactions... ;)

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