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    International newspapers: time for Maliki's departure

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    International newspapers: time for Maliki's departure Empty International newspapers: time for Maliki's departure

    Post by Rocky Sat 21 Jun 2014, 10:07 am

    International newspapers: time for Maliki's departure

    06/21/20140International newspapers publish analyses and articles for a number of leading writers in charge of Foreign Affairs, about the recent developments, many of which were unanimous on the need to press the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki to step down and form a Government of national unity in order to spare Iraq and the region a greater disaster than now.
    Under the headline "the end of the superpower", the French newspaper Le Monde, an expert in international relations and foreign policy, delvin lakerng, stressed that Iraq "is in the test will determine the extent of American dominance in the coming decades."
    The author stressed that the Iraq crisis is not a crisis of unipolar control "but a crisis of the central role of the United States in the international arena," Noting that enemies of the United States had excelled in the use of the new world order on their behalf. Which made us lose their ability to control despite its economic and military power.
    And about the French role, the lakerng that France has no role to only support the United States in turn the negative situation ambiguous. It was clear that political Arabic to France ended with the end of the era of the former French President, Jacques Chirac, with the exception of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He stressed the need for France through its affiliation to the European Union to patch its slack toward Iraq.
    The newspaper also published an analysis of the "Hudson", President of the Institute for the study, Kenneth Weinstein, on the consequences of the rapid withdrawal of the United States in Iraq.
    Weinstein said that the capture of the gunmen on the connector is a milestone on the deterioration of security in the entire region, not just Iraq, noting that Iraq is still suffering from the disastrous decisions taken by the interim authority in 2003 to dismantle the army that led to the civil war.
    The writer said that authorities tried to control things since 2007 through the formation of the "Al-Anbar Awakening Councils, which helped to restore stability, but that Washington's decision to pull out of Iraq in 2011 leading to a vacuum in political life, allowing many foreign parties to intervene, given the inefficiency of Iraqi leaders.
    Weinstein noted that the victory of Al-Maliki's Office says the spread of tyranny and sectarian strife, as the Government worked to undermine all the progress coalition forces since the Anbar awakening, allowing insurgents to infiltrate Iraq and destabilize the entire region.
    The author stressed that the Bush administration, Barack Obama, over six years on us internal affairs, health care and housing and address the global financial crisis, and completely ignored the issue and avoided going to any new clashes in the region.
    Weinstein said the only solution is to press the United States and Western powers on Al-Maliki to go around for the formation of a national unity Government comprising all Spectra on the Iraqi scene, stressing the need to happen quickly before the situation is getting worse.
    As the guardian, wrote about how the collapse of Maliki's relationship with Washington, and said that the relationship began to deteriorate when the latter refused to extend the presence of American troops in Iraq in 2011.
    The newspaper said that although several revolutions in the spring, Al-Maliki went to strategic partnerships with Iran. He insisted sectarian policies, since the arrest of the leaders of the Sunni mainstream, giving Shiites more features, noting the Shiites most important positions in all institutions to guarantee Al-Maliki not to go to one of the other.
    The paper said that the US Administration tried to change this communal basis, but Maliki insisted his approach, what made Washington lose confidence in it.
    The paper concluded by saying that the United States was considering to Maliki as the man who will lead the country to unity, "now having helped him to take power, he proved he is a dictator."
    She stressed that Al-Maliki's sectarian approach would bring ruin to the entire region, and that Washington ousted if it wants to continue to play its role in the international community.
    In another article, the paper stressed the need to hear the point of view of Iraqis regarding the newspaper condemned the global coverage of the war. The population of them another perspective, noting that many General akien do not use social networks, and that the Iraqi army withdrew and did not defend the local population. and the most important is the need to know what the Iraqi people and not what you want the world powers do not even occur bloodshed as happened in 2003, when coalition forces invaded Iraq. TYVC 

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