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    Ports open bids for building 8 marine vessels and modernizing the fleet of berths

    Admin Assist
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    Ports open bids for building 8 marine vessels and modernizing the fleet of berths Empty Ports open bids for building 8 marine vessels and modernizing the fleet of berths

    Post by Rocky Mon 15 Mar 2021, 7:05 am

    Ports open bids for building 8 marine vessels and modernizing the fleet of berths

    10:01 - 15/03/2021

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    The information / Baghdad ..
    On Monday, the General Company for [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Ports [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] in cooperation with the Japanese Loan Authority, opened bids for building 8 marine plots and modernizing the fleet of tugs, rigs and boats, while confirming the completion of 95% of the project to develop the gates and road to the port of Umm Qasr to regulate the entry and exit of trucks.
    The General Director of the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Ports Company [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Farhan Muhaisen Al-Fartousi, said in a statement that the information was reviewed, that “The Japanese Loan Authority, affiliated to the General Company for [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Ports [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] opened bids to build marine plots with three tugboats of different capacities with five multi-purpose boats within the authority’s projects and according to the agency’s mechanism of action "The Japanese International Cooperation - JICA, and the modernization of the company's fleet of excavators, haulers and other papers to keep pace with the expansion in the work of the ports, and to accommodate the ships coming and leaving."
    Al-Fartousi indicated that “the percentage of completion of the project to develop the gate and road of the northern and southern ports of Umm Qasr has reached 95 percent at a cost of 26 billion dinars, and the length of the road extending to the port gate is approximately 4 kilometers, in addition to expanding the road with a width of 16 meters with the establishment of three entrances linked to three Modern electronic main gates, which are the K9 gate, sonar gate, emergency gate, and advanced surveillance cameras.
    He explained that "the project contributes to the flow of trucks to and from the port of Umm Qasr, and to increase the capacity of their passage, while keeping pace with the development and the expected increase in trade exchange," indicating that "the entrance to the northern port of Umm Qasr witnessed the implementation of a campaign to raise violations for the purpose of expanding and establishing an emergency road to accommodate the loads Specialist ”.
    He added, "The campaign included lifting 24 shops located at its entrance, which constituted an obstacle to its implementation, and the aim was to expand the road to regulate the entry and exit of trucks."
    It is noteworthy that the Japanese loan authority has implemented many projects, including the development of infrastructure and the provision of marine vessels and provided many rigs, haulers and tankers, as well as the giant crane (Aba Dhar), which has a major role in salvaging drowning, and work is underway to establish two ships in Sri Lanka, one for marine craft, and the other. For marine enlightenment, the contract to construct a floating dock 8,000 tons has reached advanced stages, and the contract will be signed during the next few years. End / 25

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