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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government


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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government Empty Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government

    Post by wciappetta Mon 08 Sep 2014, 3:23 pm

    8 September 2014 Last updated at 16:09 ET

    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    The new government will be led by Haidar al-Abadi, a moderate Shia politician
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Iraq's parliament has approved a new government with Sunni and Kurdish deputy prime ministers, as it seeks to tackle Islamic State (IS) militants who have seized large parts of the country.
    Salih al-Mutlak and Hoshyar Zebari were approved under a power-sharing deal after weeks of political deadlock.
    PM Haidar al-Abadi, a moderate Shia, was asked to form a government with the resignation of Nouri Maliki.
    However, the interior and defence minister positions were not agreed.
    Mr Abadi has pledged to fill the positions within a week.
    His predecessor was forced to resign in August, as the Sunni Arab and Kurdish communities accused his administration of pursuing sectarian policies.
    The US had urged Iraq to form an inclusive government with Sunni representation, describing this as a condition for further military support against IS.
    'Last minute brinkmanship'
    IS led many Sunni rebels as it seized large swathes of Iraq, capitalising on growing tension between the Sunni minority and the Shia-led government.
    However, many Sunni rebels [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that they would be ready to turn against IS if Sunni rights were enshrined in a reformed political order in Baghdad.
    There was a constitutional deadline for the new Iraqi government to be formed, and the haggling and brinkmanship had gone up to the last minute, the BBC's Jim Muir reports from Irbil.

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    day dreamer
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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government Empty Re: Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government

    Post by day dreamer Mon 08 Sep 2014, 3:31 pm

    beautiful just beautiful! bighug

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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government Empty Re: Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government

    Post by dizzydee Mon 08 Sep 2014, 3:34 pm

    Big bighug and thanks to all of you from Neno's. I think we have made it.
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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government Empty URGENT: Majority of MPs vote in support of PM Abadi’s cabinet nominations

    Post by day dreamer Mon 08 Sep 2014, 3:36 pm

    URGENT: Majority of MPs vote in support of PM Abadi’s cabinet nominations
    September 8, 2014
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Baghdad ( On Monday evening the majority of Iraq’s Members of Parliament voted in favor of supporting designated Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s new government appointments to lead various cabinet

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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government Empty Re: Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government

    Post by wciappetta Mon 08 Sep 2014, 4:04 pm

    Now lets watch for the change in the CBI Governor

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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government Empty Re: Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government

    Post by lonelyintexas Mon 08 Sep 2014, 4:09 pm

    Yes, will be interesting to see who quickly they move on this, to fill the CBI slot.
    day dreamer
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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government Empty Parliament swears in unity government

    Post by day dreamer Mon 08 Sep 2014, 6:27 pm

    There's a Video on here to watch, on it the BBC news anchor states. "that the kurds are there for 3 months, and will see if the agreements have been met or they will pull out. Also the want their pay within 1 week because they haven't received their share of the budget for 9 months, he said there's no cash in Kurdishtian flower

    Parliament swears in unity government
    8 September 2014

    Iraq's parliament has approved a new government with Sunni and Kurdish deputy prime ministers, as it seeks to tackle Islamic State (IS) militants who have seized large parts of the country.

    Saleh al-Mutlak and Hoshyar Zebari were approved under a power-sharing deal after weeks of political deadlock.

    PM Haidar al-Abadi, a moderate Shia, was asked to form a government with the resignation of Nouri Maliki.

    The US said the new government was a "major milestone" for Iraq.

    US Secretary of State John Kerry praised the inclusive nature of the new government and said he would travel to the Middle East on Tuesday to help build "the broadest possible coalition of partners" to defeat IS.

    Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi has pledged to fill the posts of interior and defence minister within a week.

    His predecessor Nouri al-Maliki was forced to resign in August, as the Sunni Arab and Kurdish communities accused his administration of pursuing sectarian policies.

    'Last minute brinkmanship'

    Many Sunni rebels were recruited to Islamic State's ranks as it seized large swathes of Iraq, capitalising on growing tension between the Sunni minority and the Shia-led government.

    However, many [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that they would be ready to turn against IS if Sunni rights were enshrined in a reformed political order in Baghdad.

    There was a constitutional deadline for the new Iraqi government to be formed, and the haggling and brinkmanship had gone up to the last minute, the BBC's Jim Muir reports from Irbil.

    Adel Abdul Mahdi from the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq was appointed oil minister, while former PM Ibrahim Jaafari was named foreign minister.

    Mr Maliki, another former prime minister, Ayad Allawi, and former parliamentary speaker Osama al-Nujaifi, were given the ceremonial positions of vice presidents.

    It was a sometimes stormy session, with many deputies making angry interventions from the floor.

    But in the end, Haidar al-Abadi won votes of confidence for his ministers, one by one.

    While many key posts went to the majority Shia community, Sunnis and Kurds were also well represented.

    The Americans in particular will be relieved to see the birth of what they hope will be an effective and inclusive new government that will pull the country together for a drive against the radicals of the Islamic State.

    The Kurdish bloc said its participation was conditional on all outstanding issues between Baghdad and Kurdistan being resolved within three months, and on the government paying Kurdistan's budget allocation, which has been withheld for more than nine months, within one week.

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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government Empty Re: Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government

    Post by weslin3 Mon 08 Sep 2014, 6:33 pm

    So we may not see anything until that 3 mos is up and all is well with the Kurds?
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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government Empty Re: Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government

    Post by day dreamer Mon 08 Sep 2014, 6:43 pm

    weslin3 wrote:So we may not see anything until that 3 mos is up and all is well with the Kurds?

    we'll imo they would do it before the end of the 3 months,they don't want to separate from the kurds and if they don't wanna give the Kurds a lot more dinar then they need to they should do it before they pay them

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    Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government Empty Re: Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government

    Post by Neno Mon 08 Sep 2014, 6:58 pm

    Sounds logical but, is it practical or speculation..... hum

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