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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    What is strategic in our agreements?

    Admin Assist
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    What is strategic in our agreements? Empty What is strategic in our agreements?

    Post by Rocky Sat 28 Jan 2023, 7:45 am

    [size=32][rtl]What is strategic in our agreements?[/rtl]

    January 27, 2023
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    Fateh Abdel Salam
    The military side, which appeared to the public in the direction of the Iraqi agreements and meetings in Paris after the Macron and Al-Sudani meeting, suggests There are disturbing questions that Iraq has in the field of arming its army, the answers to which were not met by an agreement or a strategic partnership With any country in the world, especially the United States, which has the famous strategic agreement with Iraq.
    The country is still confused how to protect its violated airspace, and it needs superior Rafale fighters with French radars. guarantee the protection of sovereignty.
    These questions are concerns that, in some respects, are inconsistent with the fate associated   with the agreement with Washington on « The sweet and the bitter”, which is the agreement that did not see the light in most of its aspects, just as the aspiration To the option of diversifying the sources of weapons, for example, is not consistent with the nature of the Iraqi stage after two decades of The change that was witnessed by   massive turmoil and governmental and political confusion blocked the horizons of any strategic thinking.
    Perhaps France does not somewhat arouse “ sensitivities ” among the Americans, as it is part of the alliance The international law that entered into force and implementation in the post-American withdrawal from Iraq in the wake of the occupation ISIS organization covers a third of the country's area, but there are certain distances that Baghdad will always have to take into account when making alliances A strategy with France or elsewhere, in light of the previous great agreement with Washington.
    At the same time, we must be aware of the aspects that the American Convention does not wish or can afford Meeting them would open the way for launching the Iraqi desire to search for complements in international alliances, which flow into The results are in the book of billion investments and contracts, and the matter is not just verbal contexts.
    France's opportunities in Iraq are great, as there is a high percentage of satisfaction with dealing and getting close to France among the powers The pro-Iranian that prevails in the Iraqi political scene, but the matter cannot end there Limit, there are subtle benefits in rebuilding the country through the concept of the term "strategic cooperation". Which is available to the agreements concluded with Paris or with Washington before it.
    Most important of all is how Iraq understands strategic issues, how it classifies its priorities, and how it links them Constants pertaining to sovereignty, stability, wealth and international relations   ?

    Editor-in-Chief - International Edition
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