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    Minister of Commerce: The electronic ration card project will prevent manipulation and reduce issuan

    Admin Assist
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    Minister of Commerce: The electronic ration card project will prevent manipulation and reduce issuan Empty Minister of Commerce: The electronic ration card project will prevent manipulation and reduce issuan

    Post by Rocky Sat 28 Jan 2023, 7:47 am

    Minister of Commerce: The electronic ration card project will prevent manipulation and reduce issuance and inclusion procedures
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] 2023/01/27
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] 3722

    Baghdad / resource news
    Today, Friday, the Minister of Commerce, Atheer Daoud Al-Ghurairy, detailed the advantages of the electronic ration card project, and while confirming that it will be applied after the honorable Najaf in all governorates, he indicated that it will prevent manipulation and reduce issuance and inclusion procedures.
    Al-Ghurairy said to the official agency, "The ministry has begun, in application of the Prime Minister's directives, and according to what was stated in the government program and the ministerial curriculum, to switch to electronic automation of transactions as soon as possible."
    He explained, "The ministry initiated the launch of the electronic ration card project in Najaf as a first stage, and energies were mobilized in order to accelerate the completion of the electronic transformation file as a model that will then be circulated to all governorates."

    Al-Ghurairy pointed out that "converting the paper ration card into an electronic one will ensure that the ministry delivers it to those who deserve it and distributes it accurately, as well as ensuring the sobriety of data on citizens and their right to receive the ration allotted to him according to an accurate electronic system that prevents tampering, in addition to that it will shorten the procedures for issuance, inclusion and completion of operations." Electronic blocking, transportation, sorting and deletion, thus saving citizens the trouble of months-long transactions.
    He added, "The electronic ration card service will be through an electronic application on the mobile phone, and it will achieve several goals, including consolidating the database, providing the best possible service to the citizen, and ensuring that these materials reach those who deserve them."
    Al-Ghariri pointed out that "the ministry is seeking to generalize the project in all governorates of Iraq, and the energies of the ministry's companies will be mobilized with the energies of the provinces, in order to complete it as quickly as possible."
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