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    An Iraqi movement to recover money stolen from abroad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    An Iraqi movement to recover money stolen from abroad Empty An Iraqi movement to recover money stolen from abroad

    Post by Rocky Sun 10 Sep 2023, 10:23 am

    An Iraqi movement to recover money stolen from abroad

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Today, Sunday, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, revealed an official government movement to recover Iraqi funds stolen from abroad.
    Saleh told the official news agency, “Article 14 of the Money Recovery Law No. 7 of 2019 obligated the government, when it concludes investment or economic agreements with any country in which there is money for Iraq, to ​​include in the provisions of the Money Recovery Law, including money that escaped after the year 2003 due to operations.” Corruption and various economic and financial crimes.”
    He added, "The article has come into effect, as the agreements stipulated in the aforementioned article are being followed with great care, whether through the policies and procedures of the Money Recovery Fund itself or its effective and important executive arm, which is the Money Recovery Department in the National Integrity Commission," noting that "Iraq is an active member of the organization International Financial Action for the Middle East and North Africa region is a multilateral international organization that helps member states coordinate operations to combat money laundering, crime funds and terrorism in its various forms through the Anti-Money Laundering Office at the Central Bank, which is an important arm and the basis for national and international cooperation on the issue of money recovery.” .
    He pointed out that "there is an ongoing official movement and efforts being carefully made to follow up and recover Iraq's stolen funds, specifically through the mechanism of the Iraqi judicial system and the foreign relations of Iraqi diplomacy, which provides means of defending our country's looted funds before the courts in the jurisdictional areas of various foreign countries."
    Saleh continued, "In addition to the effective role of Article 14 in the Recovery Fund Law, there is serious and ongoing cooperation between Iraq and the United Nations Development Program in providing legal and procedural means to recover funds through the United Nations Convention against Corruption."
    He noted that "Iraq joined this year to become a member of the (Agmont Group), a group that includes 167 countries so far and works to facilitate the exchange of information on criminal proceeds, money laundering and terrorist financing at the international level by providing the Anti-Money Laundering Office with a secure communications network with countries." The world, which contributes to monitoring the movement of funds internationally and strengthening financial investigation procedures to lead to the recovery of funds and assets.

    Views 21
    Added 09/10/2023 - 6:13 PM
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