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    What type of American intervention to resolve the Kurdistan salaries crisis?

    Admin Assist
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    What type of American intervention to resolve the Kurdistan salaries crisis? Empty What type of American intervention to resolve the Kurdistan salaries crisis?

    Post by Rocky Sat 23 Sep 2023, 1:59 pm

    What type of American intervention to resolve the Kurdistan salaries crisis?
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    The expert in political affairs, professor of political science at Al-Mustansiriya University in Baghdad, Issam Al-Faili, confirmed today, Saturday (September 23, 2023), that the United States of America played the role of mediator to resolve the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil, and did not impose its opinion on Baghdad.
    Al-Faili said, to “Baghdad Today”, that “the United States of America did not side with Erbil against Baghdad regarding the recent financial dispute between the two parties, but rather played the role of mediation, as stability between the center and the region serves American interests in Baghdad and Erbil, and this is what Washington is looking for it, not siding with one party against another.”
    He added, "The positions of the United States of America regarding the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil are to push the two parties to solutions and not to aggravate it because of its effects on the overall situation in Iraq, and for this reason the American role was a mediator to resolve the differences, but the solution to the crisis remains an Iraqi decision and is achieved through political agreements." and constitutional texts.
    Some data, including the American ambassador’s welcome of the recent agreement between Baghdad and Erbil to send 700 billion dinars as a loan to pay the region’s salaries, as well as reports that spoke of the White House receiving a letter from Masrour Barzani, the head of the regional government, to intervene in resolving the crisis with Baghdad, which will lead to “the collapse of the region.” According to the expression of the message, the contents of which were reported by the American Al-Monitor website, in the full belief that the crisis was resolved through American intervention.
    The US Ambassador to Baghdad, Elena Romanowski, praised in her tweet “the efforts made between the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to reach a solution regarding the budget and its implementation,” and called on Romanowski to “continue the dialogue to reach a more permanent solution in the interest of the entire Iraqi people.” ". 
    Source: Baghdad Al-Youm + agencies
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