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    Will resuming Kurdistan oil exports end the problem of salaries for the region’s employees?

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Will resuming Kurdistan oil exports end the problem of salaries for the region’s employees? Empty Will resuming Kurdistan oil exports end the problem of salaries for the region’s employees?

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 Oct 2023, 7:17 am

    Will resuming Kurdistan oil exports end the problem of salaries for the region’s employees?
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


    Baghdad today - Erbil 
    Kurdish politician Jawad Malikshahi said today, Sunday (October 8, 2023), about the possibility of ending the problem of employee salaries in the region, if the export of Kurdistan oil resumes.
    Malakshahi explained in an interview with "Baghdad Today" that "the problem of employee salaries in the region is political, and the decision to stop it is also political and a pressure card used by the federal government against Kurdistan."
    He added, "Baghdad paid the salaries of employees during the past months after the relationship was good with the Kurdish parties, and this confirms that the problem of salaries has nothing to do with the issue of resuming oil exports."
    Turkey said on Monday (October 2, 2023) that the Iraqi oil pipeline, which stopped operating in March due to complex disputes over payments related to the Kurdistan region of Iraq, will resume pumping crude this week.
    Turkey closed the pipeline after an arbitration court ordered Ankara to pay about $1.5 billion in compensation to Baghdad for transporting oil from the Kurdistan region without the approval of the Iraqi government.
    Ankara objected to the decision and, for its part, demanded compensation.
    The Kurdistan Region was exporting approximately 450,000 barrels of crude oil per day before the pipeline was closed.
    Turkish Energy Minister Alp Arslan Bayraktar told an energy forum in Abu Dhabi that the dispute has been settled and “we will start operating (the pipeline) this week,” without revealing the details of the agreement.
    Turkey previously said it was carrying out repairs to its section of the oil pipeline following the devastating earthquake in February.
    The Iraqi federal government and the autonomous Kurdistan Region signed their interim oil agreement in April.
    The agreement indicates an independent end to the export of oil by the Kurdistan Regional Government in northern Iraq.
    Source: Baghdad Al-Youm + Anatolia
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