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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    New York Post: America has been challenging the international order since invading Iraq and supporti

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    New York Post: America has been challenging the international order since invading Iraq and supporti Empty New York Post: America has been challenging the international order since invading Iraq and supporti

    Post by Rocky Sat 30 Dec 2023, 1:57 pm

    New York Post: America has been challenging the international order since invading Iraq and supporti 2462dac7-00fc-4420-95a1-0d4b54980128
    [size=52]New York Post: America has been challenging the international order since invading Iraq and supporting Israel[/size]
    • Today 20:28

    A report by the American New York Post newspaper confirmed, on Saturday, that the United States is the one that has been challenging and sabotaging the rules-based international order since its invasion of Iraq and ending with its unlimited support for the Israeli entity in its aggressive war on Gaza. 
    The report, translated by the Maalouma Agency, stated, “Most Americans believe that their country has been in a state of decline since 2018, indicating that, according to Pew Center polls, 54 percent of Americans believe that their economy will be weaker in 2050, while more than 60 percent agreed that the United States "The United States will be insignificant at this future period of time." 
    He added, "This should not be surprising; for some time there has been a feeling that the country is headed in the wrong direction in the political atmosphere. According to a long-time Gallup poll, the percentage of Americans who are 'satisfied' with the way things are going has not exceeded 50 percent since Twenty years ago, it is currently only 20 percent.”
    He continued, "The grand strategy of the United States based on false assumptions will lead the country and the world astray. On one measure after another, the United States remains in a leadership position compared to its main rivals and rivals. However, it faces a completely different international scene. The strength and confidence of many powers have risen." "Around the world, they will not meekly agree to US directives, while some of them actively seek to challenge the dominant position of the United States and the order built around it." 
    The report pointed out that “Washington is facing a decline in the Middle East region through Washington’s constant desire to withdraw militarily from the region over the past fifteen years. This policy began during the era of Bush, who was shocked by the miserable failure of the war he started in Iraq, and continued.” “It was under Obama, who made clear the need to reduce the US presence in the region so that Washington could deal with the more pressing issue of the rise of China.” Ended/25 D

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 11:50 am