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    Disagreements disrupt a law related to Iraq’s wealth in Parliament, and there is no date for its app

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Disagreements disrupt a law related to Iraq’s wealth in Parliament, and there is no date for its app Empty Disagreements disrupt a law related to Iraq’s wealth in Parliament, and there is no date for its app

    Post by Rocky Sat 24 Feb 2024, 6:47 am

    Disagreements disrupt a law related to Iraq’s wealth in Parliament, and there is no date for its approval - urgent
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today,
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Today, Saturday (February 24, 2024), the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee confirmed the continued disagreements over the oil and gas law between Baghdad and Erbil.
    Committee member Ali Saadoun told “Baghdad Today” that “disagreements between the federal government and the region are still continuing regarding the oil and gas law, despite all the dialogues and negotiations between the two parties over the past months and the joint technical and legal committees holding several meetings.”
    He stated, “The most prominent points of disagreement center around the marketing mechanism and financial returns, and for this reason there is no specific or scheduled date for the enactment of this law by the House of Representatives, as the law is still under discussion and negotiation between Baghdad and Erbil, although this law is very important for resolving all disputes.” The financial and oil relationship.”
    Kurdistan Democratic Party member Pierre Taher confirmed on Tuesday (February 6, 2024) that the oil and gas law guarantees joint management of the oil fields between Baghdad and Erbil, which makes it capable of resolving most of the disputes between the federal and regional governments. 
    Taher told "Baghdad Today" that "most of the differences between Baghdad and Erbil focus on the financial aspects, the issue of exporting oil and gas, and the export mechanism."
    He added, "Approving the oil and gas law is the key to resolving disputes and ending most of the problems between Baghdad and Erbil, and will end the crises that have been going on for 10 years."
    He stated that "the problem of employee salaries in the region, the ongoing financial crisis, and the dispute over oil exports will continue, and most of the solutions are temporary, and the solution is by approving the oil and gas law within Parliament."
    He pointed out that "the law means joint management of the oil and gas present in the region and thus solves the financial crisis and the issue of Kurdistan's share in the budget, which is repeated annually, and the dispute postpones voting on the budget for long periods."
    He explained, "Approving the law resolves the financial dispute because it will clarify, according to the law, who is authorized to export oil and how the financial revenues will be shared."
    The controversial problem between Baghdad and Erbil is summarized in a sentence contained in the constitution issued in 2025, which includes an article that says that “the current fields will be managed jointly,” which is the article that Erbil considers to apply to the fields discovered and operating in 2005, as for the fields that are discovered. Activating it after this date, its management will be the right of the region only.
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      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 6:08 pm