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    Anbar tops Iraq’s provinces in corruption.. Private planes and fake reports in exchange for “loyalty

    Admin Assist
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    Anbar tops Iraq’s provinces in corruption.. Private planes and fake reports in exchange for “loyalty Empty Anbar tops Iraq’s provinces in corruption.. Private planes and fake reports in exchange for “loyalty

    Post by Rocky Sun 11 Aug 2024, 4:45 am

    Anbar tops Iraq’s provinces in corruption.. Private planes and fake reports in exchange for “loyalty to progress”

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    Baghdad Today - Anbar 
    Political activist in Anbar Governorate, Saif Al-Haftar, said today, Saturday (August 10, 2024), that the governorate leads the governorates in Iraq in corruption and waste of public money, especially in the era of the "domination of the Progress Party" over Anbar.
    Al-Haftar explained in an interview with "Baghdad Today" that "the extent of corruption in Anbar Governorate from 2018 until now is not hidden from anyone, according to the numbers and reports of the Integrity Commission and the Financial Supervision Bureau." 
    He pointed out that, "Anbar topped the Iraqi governorates in corruption and waste of public money during the rule of the Progress Party, which unfortunately continued to appoint less efficient and professional directors and relied on their degree of loyalty to the party."
    He added, "Corruption was not limited to government officials only, but they worked to involve citizens by facilitating the procedures for obtaining forged medical reports through the complicity of the former director of Anbar Retirement, Anas Al-Alwani, who caused the waste of trillions of dinars for members of this party, which were spent on them through retirement IDs for the Martyrs and Wounded Foundation."
    Al-Haftar pointed out that "there are other corruption files such as the lands of Al-Wafa district, twinning projects, and 15 percent of contracting, among others, which are unfortunately difficult to count."
    He added, "At a time when the province needs more reconstruction and housing because thousands of families are homeless due to the damage to their homes caused by military operations during the liberation, officials in the ruling party enjoy villas on the banks of the Euphrates in Fallujah and Ramadi."
    The political activist renewed his call to the "Integrity Commission to continue investigating the corruption of officials there and also to investigate the sources of the inflation of the money of representatives and officials in Anbar and their children, as some of them have come to own private planes."
    On Tuesday (March 26, 2024), the spokesman for the popular movement in Anbar Governorate, Dhari al-Rishawi, revealed the existence of “major corruption” in the Martyrs Foundation, Anbar branch, and the Department of Martyrs and Victims of Terrorism in the governorate.
    Al-Rishawi said in an interview with "Baghdad Today" that "the Progress Party and its leader Halbousi have the upper hand in corruption operations, and there are representatives in the party who are strongly involved in looting money and major thefts at the expense of the victims."
    He added, "There are employees in the Martyrs Foundation and the Compensation Department in Anbar who bought villas in Erbil in the Dream Complex, each one costing 3 billion dinars. The federal government and the judiciary must take action and strike these mafias with an iron fist."
    He pointed out that "the Abu Ali Al-Basri Committee is required to play a greater role in stopping the corruption, thefts and enrichment of the ruling party, and the corruption taking place there is beyond imagination, and there must be a public right, and accountability for the corrupt and their imprisonment and not their release on bail."
    On Monday (March 25, 2024), the Martyrs Foundation stopped financial waste worth more than one trillion dinars within the Department of Martyrs Victims of Terrorism in Anbar Governorate, revealing that it is currently auditing 22,000 transactions after they were stopped as a precaution.
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      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 8:14 am