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2 posters

    Deputy: Parliament's budget in 2015 will reach the end of this month

    Interacting Investor
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    Deputy: Parliament's budget in 2015 will reach the end of this month Empty Deputy: Parliament's budget in 2015 will reach the end of this month

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 14 Dec 2014, 8:07 am

    Deputy: Parliament's budget in 2015 will reach the end of this month

    12/14/2014 12:06:00
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    Deputy: Parliament's budget in 2015 will reach the end of this month
    Said Finance Committee member Abdul Qader Mohammed said the government sent the general budget for the year 2015 after the 22 of this month to the House of Representatives.
    He said Mohammed told PUKmedia, said on Sunday that "on 21 of this month will see the convening of a conference in Baghdad attended by senior advisers and financial experts to hold discussions on the budget and financial and economic situation in Iraq."
    He said Mohammed, "The conference will also discuss finding simple solutions that can be implemented at this time until the control of large budget deficits."
    A member of the Finance Committee for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc that "the 2015 budget need to be a lot of discussions and studies due to the fluctuation of oil prices, but the requirements will force the government to approve the budget and transferred to the House of Representatives."

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Deputy: Parliament's budget in 2015 will reach the end of this month Empty Re: Deputy: Parliament's budget in 2015 will reach the end of this month

    Post by weslin3 Sun 14 Dec 2014, 5:07 pm

    After the 22nd, hmmmmm  hum Something else happens on the 22nd... Maybe this will all fall in place.

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