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    After a break of 25 years .. Iraq appointed ambassador to Saudi Arabia

    Interacting Investor
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    After a break of 25 years .. Iraq appointed ambassador to Saudi Arabia Empty After a break of 25 years .. Iraq appointed ambassador to Saudi Arabia

    Post by lonelyintexas Mon 21 Sep 2015, 8:08 am

    After a break of 25 years .. Iraq appointed ambassador to Saudi Arabia

    Monday, September 21 / September 2015 00:08
    Appointed Iraqi government on Sunday, a new ambassador to Saudi Arabia, saying it seeks to strengthen bilateral relations with Riyadh to serve the interests of both countries, as they wait for the arrival of Baghdad, the Saudi ambassador and re-stalled diplomatic relations for more than 25 years. 

    And met with the Iraqi President, Fuad Masum, this evening, the new Iraqi ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Rushdi Al-Ani, and stressed the need to develop relations between the two countries so as to ensure the common interests, according to a statement issued by the Presidency of the Republic of Iraq. 

    The Iraqi president, according to the statement on "Iraq's commitment to openness to the neighboring countries in particular, and other countries in the region and the world, so as to enhance the status of our country, and it establishes the foundations of mutual cooperation and ensure peace and security in our region and in the world." 

    And closed the Saudi embassy in Iraq after the invasion of Iraqi forces in August / August 1990 of Kuwait, and after 2003, bilateral relations have been strained, especially during take Nuri al-Maliki the presidency of the former Iraqi government over 8 years, which was accusing Saudi Arabia of supporting "terrorism" in his country.

      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 10:34 pm