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    London: support the reform measures in Iraq and are worried about the Russian operations


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    London: support the reform measures in Iraq and are worried about the Russian operations Empty London: support the reform measures in Iraq and are worried about the Russian operations

    Post by wciappetta Tue 06 Oct 2015, 9:06 am

    London: support the reform measures in Iraq and are worried about the Russian operations


    Long-Presse / Karbala

    New British Ambassador Frank Baker, on Monday, his country's support for the reform steps taken by the Iraqi government, and confirmed that it is working to detect smuggled money from Iraq and provide any citizen is a British citizen to justice if found guilty of financial corruption issues, as expressed his country's concern of Russian operations In Syria, the promise that it will pay the Syrian opposition to stand with the organization (Daash).

    The governor of Karbala, Akil Turaihi, during a joint press conference with the British ambassador in Baghdad, Frank Baker, on the sidelines of his visit to the province of Karbala and meeting with local government and attended (range Press), "The visit of the British ambassador to Karbala came with the aim to meet with local government."

    He revealed Turaihi, for "an agreement with the British side to form a joint committee to study the issues that help cooperation between the two sides in economic fields and infrastructure projects and file of the displaced," noting that "there is an agreement were to overcome the obstacles faced by companies wishing to work and invest in Karbala."

    For his part, the British ambassador in Baghdad, Frank Baker, said that "my visit to Karbala are part of other visits to the provinces of Iraq would be in order to communicate with the local governments," noting that "there is the aspiration to develop relations with Karbala."

    He said Baker, that "our discussions were fruitful with the Government of Karbala on the development of relations and cooperation in the fields of economy, politics, investment, trade, education, health and infrastructure projects and help the displaced," pointing to the existence of "more than 700 British coach working in Iraq on training Iraqi forces to explosives detection and treatment and helping to protect Iraqi civilians and soldiers of explosives. "

    The Baker, "The United Kingdom supports the Iraqi government and the Iraqi people in the fight against corruption and reforms," ​​pointing out that "Britain is working to detect smuggled money from Iraq in international banks and apply strict laws against those convicted of smuggling money and entry to Britain."
    He pointed Baker, that "the British government stands with the fight against corruption and to prosecute the corrupt," asserting that "London will provide any Iraqi citizen is a British citizen to justice if convicted financial and administrative corruption issues," noting that "all those who participated in the transaction processing Iraq with fake explosives detection of Britons have been tried and are now in prison. "

    On the other hand, Baker stressed, that "Britain is an important part of the international coalition to fight al (Daash) and the fight against it is directly", reiterated his country's commitment "to stand by Iraq and all those who work to fight (Daash) in the world."

    He Becker, expressed his country's concern, "the Russian intervention in Syria because it is aimed at the opposition to the regime in Syria, not (Daash)," he returned that "it would make the Syrian opposition hand in an armed stand with (Daash)."

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    Yeah if there is any left by the time Russia is done.

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