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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Leaking very dangerous .. Maliki threatens the clergy and members of religious authorities who were


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Leaking very dangerous .. Maliki threatens the clergy and members of religious authorities who were  Empty Leaking very dangerous .. Maliki threatens the clergy and members of religious authorities who were

    Post by Lobo Tue 24 Nov 2015, 5:35 pm

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    24-11-2015 08:00 PM

    News follow-up   

    returned Maliki again to call his threats to expose the clerics and the sons of the terms of reference involved the files of a major corruption in his tenure and so far, especially in the energy file and tours of licenses in particular. 

    According to a source close to al-Maliki said last During a meeting gathered with some of the leaders of the ruling Dawa party, may threatened to expose all of Mohammad Reza Sistani and his arms Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalai, Ahmad Safi involvement files of a major corruption in the oil licensing rounds and management of holy sites and Asthawwazhm file on the billions of dollars through these suspicious transactions. 

    The source added, that these threats came in response to information al-Maliki has received the determination Sistani and his son Mohammad Reza and his arms and net Karbalai and their representative in the Iraqi government Hussain al-Shahristani, to get rid of al-Maliki through his death or his trial. 

    The source confirmed, that al-Maliki has documents enough to condemn this corrupt episode, which controls the Ministry of Oil and electricity and management of the holy sites, where he owns Copies of the recordings of phone calls, video clips and documents reveal the bank accounts of some numbers (outside Iraq) and how much money received by each of these names. 

    It is said that this is not the first time the so-called al-Maliki in which such a threat, it has launched similar threats in the past in August When released report of the Special investigate the fall of Mosul parliamentary committee, where al-Maliki said, during a meeting with a number of leaders of the Dawa and the State of Law coalition party, after his return from Tehran, 'It's now an appointment to show those documents, files, and with God's help Sakeshvha all of us'. 

    He said,' my possession You Sodaha However, the elimination of the eight years that I've been prime minister and Saalnha before the courts and pay their perpetrators from the masters and sheikhs and the sons of references and Shiite and Sunni officials to the courts to Eachdhu fair reward.
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