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    Turk - A Black Swan Event, Global Monetary Reset & Chaos


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    Turk - A Black Swan Event, Global Monetary Reset & Chaos Empty Turk - A Black Swan Event, Global Monetary Reset & Chaos

    Post by Neno Tue 02 Apr 2013, 2:04 pm

    January 3, 2013

    Today James Turk spoke with King World News about a “Black Swan” event, the
    coming global monetary reset, and the incredible price action that KWN
    readers can expect to see in gold and silver over the next 60 days. Here is what Turk had to say in this fascinating and powerful interview: “What
    we saw in 2012, Eric, is a good example of what I have been calling a
    ‘managed retreat.’ The central planners were out in force -
    particularly in the fourth quarter - trying to keep a lid on precious
    metal prices, and they managed to accomplish that to some extent.
    Nevertheless, despite their best efforts, last year gold rose 7.0%, and
    silver climbed 8.2% in US dollar terms.”

    “In fact, gold and silver were higher
    against all the world's major currencies last year, which is an
    important point. National currencies are being destroyed by misguided
    government policies. So while the purchasing power of these currencies
    is being eroded, the best governments can do and the most they can
    expect is to try keep the gold price from rising faster than the rate at
    which the purchasing power of currencies is being debased.

    This battle is what the
    phrase ‘managed retreat’ is all about, and it is indeed a retreat. The
    central planners are losing the war, as evidenced by the fact that gold
    has now risen twelve years in a row at an average annual rate of 16.8%
    per annum....

    “That is a spectacular achievement for
    gold. But silver has done even better, rising 20.1% on average over the
    last twelve years. I also found it interesting that the US Mint
    stopped selling silver eagles. There are only two alternatives to
    explain it and both are bullish. Either they don’t have any physical
    silver, or they don’t want to sell what they do have at such a low
    price. As I said, either case is extremely bullish for silver.

    So while the central
    planners may win the occasional battle or two, like the one being waged
    over the past couple of months, they are clearly losing the war. And we
    can expect more of the same in 2013, Eric. Gold and silver will climb
    higher, but the central planners with their interventions will continue
    to fight the free market.

    I would like to go back to
    one point, Eric, namely, that gold has risen for twelve years in a row
    in terms of US dollars. Statistically speaking, we are in the tail-end
    of a Bell-shaped Curve. To put it another way, twelve consecutive years
    of price increases in anything is one of those so-called Black Swan
    events. It is very rare for anything to rise twelve years in a row, but
    despite this big increase in price, the important point is that gold
    remains undervalued.

    The dollar and other
    currencies are being debased at basically the same rate at which the
    gold price has been rising, so gold, in essence, remains as undervalued
    as it was years ago. Its price has risen almost entirely because of
    currency debasement, not because gold has become more highly valued.
    And gold is far from being overvalued. The gold price still has much
    higher to climb before this bull market in gold, and bear market in
    currencies concludes.

    Looking a year or two
    ahead, I expect to see a global monetary reset. It will likely hit
    sometime between 2013-2015, with the result that governments will return
    to gold as the core component of monetary policy, and it will occur in
    one of two ways. Either governments go back to gold through a
    well-reasoned plan, implemented over a few years, or they will go back
    to gold kicking and screaming.

    I fear it will be the
    latter, which means there will be a lot of chaos ahead. What has been
    lost in the discussions of the fiscal cliff is that government has
    become too big. It has to shrink because the productive sector of the
    economy can no longer support the level of spending governments are

    Total government spending
    in the US, for example, is now a greater percentage of GDP than during
    World War II when the economy was on a war-footing. But the situation
    is not much better elsewhere in the world. Governments everywhere have
    become too big.

    But rather than cut
    spending in order to reduce their footprint, monetary history shows that
    they always print money. It is the easy political option, and
    invariably it is pursued until the money is destroyed. Sadly, that is
    where the dollar and nearly all of the other national currencies are
    headed, and the best way to protect oneself and their family from this
    coming monetary debacle is to own physical gold and physical silver.

    There is one lost point to
    make, Eric. 2012 ended just like 2011, with sentiment for the precious
    metals as well as the mining stocks at or near historic lows. The first
    two months of 2012 were good ones, and I expect the same thing now. So
    I expect a big rally in gold and silver - and probably the mining
    stocks too - is long overdue.

    Given the similarity of how
    2011 and 2012 ended, I expect 2013 to begin the same way as 2012. To
    put some numbers to it, in the first two months of 2012, gold rose over
    $200 and silver soared $10. There is every reason to expect that the
    same thing will happen again this year. So despite Thursday’s weakness,
    the metals will be seeing a tremendous surge in the next 60 days.”

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