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    100% Truth about Global Currency Reset

    Quiet Investor
    Quiet Investor

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2017-11-16

    100% Truth about Global Currency Reset Empty 100% Truth about Global Currency Reset

    Post by BeautyEarth Thu 16 Nov 2017, 9:08 am

    In Video Game, the final person is the Final Boss.
    If GCR is just a stupid game made by spirit beings, then who is the Boss?

    All the intel providers you are following, listening are all beings toyed or try to gain something out of you. This post is the authentic 100% truth about the GCR and what is coming next.

    1. All of your currency money note in the World today is Gold-Backed already, it is not fiat like many intel provider said.

    And all the money today is still in the old Gold-Backed system control by a “certain group” with certain rule like in-out-country dinar exchange, etc.

    2. That Gold-Backed system is going to gone very soon and is going to replaced by all nation asset-back money system.
    So all your knowledge, rule & law about the dinar, dong, rial will not apply in this brand new money system.

    3. You can all see the changing in all nation politics, leaders already. It is no coincidence at all.

    4. To know more about the brand new money system, please read this article

    5. Now the question is how to transfer money from old system to new system?

    6. Here we have 2 kind, 1 is bond note(Zimbabwe, Chilli, Government Bond, etc.) , 2 is currency (dong, dinar, rial, etc.)

    7. All the currencies like dinar, dong, rial, etc. will be loop zero in general but increase in value. The reason will be used is like “tribulation for war, chaos in history,etc.), and the value will of their currencies will be increase from 2 to several times (less than 10 since 10 is 1 zero).

    So all the brand new nation currencies will have rate from 1.0 to maximum 9.9 (This is the starting rate, it will only change once per year, there wont be any kind of forex, stock exchange in near future). There wont be any kind of 1$ for 10k or 20k in other local currency any more.

    8. There will be global public announcement about this event very very soon. I may know the date but since I am not 100% sure then I do not prevent “guru like others”. Very very possible after Donald Trump return from his Asia tour, or even in 11-11-2017 in Hanoi, Vietnam.

    9 It will takes 2-3 years to transfer completely from old current system to brand new fair & square money system.

    10. It will take each nation only few week to designed and printed new currencies. And with the new moral system I already told, there won’t any stupid beings will fake or try to do some crazy stuffs.

    That the 100% truth about the up coming GCR, you do not need to follow any “guru, expert”, just ask and check all the global events especially the Iraq.

    In order to “perform a movie” for the public so everything can be seem as normal, we must wait Donald Trump visit and have Asia tour. Then we can have some “predictable news”: massive deals from Trump twitter #hohohaha

    It is not for “underground website” but for the whole public people as well. That why there won’t any kind of GESARA, public disclosure, aliens like many freaking stupid websites talk everything. All will be shut down immediately, the group are promoting GESARA, aliens, public disclosure are the “BAD PEOPLE” who want chaos & war. They are only think for themself but not from the public view point.


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    100% Truth about Global Currency Reset Empty Re: 100% Truth about Global Currency Reset

    Post by Neno Thu 16 Nov 2017, 2:12 pm

    Moved to the right category and forum. ~Neno

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