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    Psychology of hope .. and the next political change in Iraq

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    Psychology of hope .. and the next political change in Iraq Empty Psychology of hope .. and the next political change in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 Feb 2016, 3:48 am

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    Psychology of hope .. and the next political change in Iraq

     Fares Kamal Nazmi 

    Human history , but it is a history of mixing hope with data material development of history defended! 
    § The Ernst Bloch Did not the social evolution of civilization as a whole, documented continuing to face ongoing and complex between the "bet" Power desperate to stay, and the option of hard human permanence of improving forest , about political consciousness higher ?!Therefore, is not new to bet the current political religious authority in Iraq on the physical time for its survival, while the evolving political event away from her for Eptna future rooted in social history. And is also not new to betting authority over ideology based on fear and helplessness, despair and nihilism and alienation, while born from the womb the current protest movement, a young generation free has been out confident Mitritha of bottleneck Iraqi tragedy toward the horizon of light and change; the only ideology: hope Fadel homeland civil and social justice. and is not new to betting authority to deepen political ignorance and implanting false consciousness, while accumulates awareness exhibitions construction drop by drop in the public conscience of the community researcher for a new legitimacy. and is not new to grab power over religion and synthesize it ,whoever Astalaiaa Osatiraa to protect their interests as the "sacredness", as people begin to dismantle the totalitarian gradually object and return it to the objective place and intimate within the cultural structure of society. certainly , is not new to Taathro power limit mold and Alrthath and loss of insight, as people begin torestore the historical right, any state citizenship and social contract. it only new this time, that power seems addicted to antes only and do not show any attempt realistic real - time to save itself partly on at least, with the protest movement seems determined to show the utmost civility democratic and peaceful spirit of civil and performance Enlightenment mentor. despite what looks like the Iraqi political scene of the slow frequency and frustration, and in spite of all the pain and accumulated disappointments inherited, Omsina today live a unique and filled with the objective of hope and Alrjaouat future moment Semitism, as has been the agents ofchange to take root every hour, for securitization in the near future map. authority is tyrannical throughout history does not grasp that there are laws regulate social behavior and Tatrh in Malate can not be denied or ignored. Therefore, the maximum you can do is delay the change through its insistence on closing thestructural toward political reform, without realizing that the delay will mean the blood is necessary will liquefy big moment shift! Bets power options community! Political change is essential happen in any country, when itturns into community awareness grievances to conduct an anti-collectivist grievances, peacefully or Anvia. This shift may take a long or short for so according to the degree of development of the system socio - economic, and the dynamics of identity Assembly, the pattern of political culture. In a country like Iraq , has long suffered and continues to suffer from the tyranny of oil revenues and Offersh of fascist and corrupt governments Khaddoaah and pastoral political cultures produced over more than half a century, lengthened the distance between awareness and behavior generate much hopelessness and despair in the hearts ofmillions of people are waiting for real change back to the idea of justice a bit of prestige wasted. However, this distance remains subject to shorten the relative reduction by political quality of specific events speed up the process of transferring political thinking for the whole community to a new point beyond passive submission and closer to the act of change. The civil protest movement continued for nearly seven months, and related objective and evolutionary Pantfadta "electricity" in June 2010, the "Friday of rage" on February 25, 2011, a model record to analyze political event motionless populist formula succeeded in shorthand relatively political time through a qualitative leap in political consciousness prevails, regardless of whether taken if there is a quick harvest or slow to the results of this mobility. Faced with this "threat" growing interests manifold in the body Almthri state, took power today practiced - by virtue of its culture of fatalism Alsazjh- escape forward towards the abyss policy, Bmrahentha to be essential among the stakes of several previously addressed: - first bet: the mobility civil protest the current Courier to save the country peacefully, do not participate in it except a small minority and "ineffective" of society, while the majority "reluctant" about him. - the second bet: the fate of this movement is the despair and dissipation in the end. it is so - no Alsulth- bury its head in the sand, and imagine "Rgbea" what self crave it to be events paths, not the outcome of the objective compass accumulation Alsikosayas. qualitative minority majority! analysis bet the first power on themarginal role of the minority, it must be recalled that the inevitability of change through human history, never spoke the outcome of poverty or deprivation or oppression or authoritarianism per se, but rather the outcome of awareness of poverty and deprivation, injustice and tyranny. This has always created awareness of quality minority genius driving the idea of truth and justice across space and time. The majority are often reaping thefruits of change later, to join him and become an active part of it. Valokulaih was always the sense and kind and butter of human existence and inventor exhibitions consciousness, while the majority often represent aquantum AC or lazy or fearful or vindictive, or incubator false consciousness steel! The truth is that thecontinuation of the protest movement peaceful good momentum coincides with the authoritarian reforms real and statist scalable, was It will provide concrete guarantees to save the political system and put it on the road to restoration and permanence and deliverance. The decline of this peaceful movement in light of the bullying of political corruption and Ngolh narcissistic on the fate of the country, this means that the energy protest action will take other behavioral paths during the next phase, can not guarantee or commitment Slmatha non - violent approach to patient. Thus, any decrease in the numbers of peaceful protesters or a decline in theheyday of the peaceful demonstrations, but provides important predictive signal from the short life and view of the current political system. The stigma of poverty which mankind committed about millions torturers of children is one of the worst manifestations of ownership defended throughout history, to Besides the political wars, tyranny and bullying on vulnerable groups. Therefore, the redistribution of wealth is a behavioral law isinevitable in every historical junctures with severe congestion Alsosiossayas. When the desired political reform is achieved, capital responds to redistribute a manner that ensures peaceful and relatively quiet evolution of the relations of production crisis. But if poverty grew and exceeded the minimum of human pride without thethreshold of political will to achieve reform and meet the needs of the poor, wealth redistribution process more bloody and cruelty and revenge become. And poverty in Iraq today has become a complex concept calls for economic, political and cultural dimensions, social and psychological overlapping to produce ugly phenomenon made ​​more of the 13 million Iraqis living in the level below the Adamic, languishing outside social time waiting for the miracle of divine impossible or political moment crazy - no longer Mstbadh- to pounce on the remains of the legacy of the fragile and bankrupt and dysfunctional state. while power refuse to exercise a minimum level of economic and political reform for the benefit of the disadvantaged and insists on continuing to accumulate money in the balance of its leaders and its customers, it has to face an upper limit of energy frustration unrestrained among those representing the majority of disadvantaged Alamadtrh for the option of violence, within the dialectic of redistribution of wealth, but the means of revenge and considered booty State forfeit. the demands of peaceful protest led by the minority quality today in Iraq, represents the recipe cathartic recent how to avoid tearing up the body of the state at the hands of their children, before the majority of disadvantaged go out and fill the public domain Bkhiarha revenge that derives its legitimacy from Mazlomatha accumulated. despair , hope deferred! As for the analysis of a bet the second power rash despair among the protesters, it is worth noting that the ruling , which Atmaky to kill the hope and the will, and the revival of hopelessness and despair in political life, but digging its own grave. It seems that the "self - diggers graves" knot did not leave the mentality of those who hold power in Iraq, and they do not know that such despair Hope also made ​​the change, they both do well to human progress. This rare dialectical now interact in Iraq today in a new and unexpected. Despair opens - Sekologgio- gateway to hope, but also a challenge, when he insists on the contempt power demands of the people and be taken lightly, and that 's what began to grow today. Hope is not an obsession Sofia, but a moral objective element active in all the equations of change and reform through history. So desperate is the hope deferred. Says philosopher ofhope , "Ernst Bloch" (1855- 1977) M: «Tomorrow live in today, people are looking to him always ..», adopting the philosophy of "the As- after", as he believes that humans were always moving the impact of the idea that the best Artjonh of the situation has not yet been achieved, and that their history but it is a history of blending hope defended -bbaadih Anthropology and Alantologi- with data material development of history. The kiss was "Karl Marx" has launched prophecy inspiring: «internal traffic system based Foreign interactions generate its opposite in his gut. This embryo grows and matures as the old system takes range. And increasing tension between them within the existing system until it reaches an end has not come back the existing system wasable to contain the forces that carry the seeds of the new system. Then, these forces eruption of the old regime from the inside and undermine its foundations , praising the new system on its ruins is a dialectical combination of elements ». Prospects for change may seem today closed or Millbh, but" hope "gnaws slowly crumbling rock infertility, there are deep into the core of social development laws . Therefore desist from quiet optimism should not be in front of a scene rational civic values ​​which caressed slowly cortex Iraqis million members , including important categories of religious Echtznon tendency leftist moral vision for the form of the State Fair and the country unified. This scene is growing but directs confident to Almtoslim "safe" in themessage relaxing: «there is an objective surprises await you , so that the time of change is slowly eats away - but Bthbat- timepiece stalled on the last timing ragged!». waiting for a new left! capita Iraq - civilian or he wants to Asalamaa- while scorns the current political power, is doing so - which does Kthira- without being marred by any sense of guilt or pangs of conscience; rather , it is felt by shortening my conscience that did not do it with great enthusiasm; in the sense that he had lost the desire to find any justification confer admissibility on the political system, and this feature or a virtue unique to the community Iraq today compared to other communities in the Middle East is still ranged between hating authoritarian power and "hung up " unsatisfactory for reasons related to the evolution Alsikosayas. the growth and spread of this psychological tendency cross sub-identities, contempt of authority, means that there are other political legitimacy undeclared and non - specific after monuments, is now in the mental training the Iraqi individual phase, as itis in the configuration of deep Alsosiossayas developed, preparing to gradually replace the current desolated legitimacy of power. This here looks like a new fingernail while starts secret and slow from the depths of theflesh to grow gradually to replace the old fingernail affected, even the moment of the final replacement. The replacement is expected to be that suffers from the reluctance and hesitation pending mature conditions objectivity psychological, since the distance between the tendency outs and behavior rejection It is still arelatively long because of the state deficit and dependence and nihilism , and impoverishment suffered by the political community in Iraq for nearly half a century. And completeness of this maturity but became only amatter of time, because of the insistence of the closed power on the institutionalization of corruption on theone hand, and the growing public awareness of Bzifaa fragility and Ouktiha the other hand. Iraq today lacks a stable political community features, it is a mixture of political loyalties pre rival civilian with religious and ideological nature and tribal and ethnic; so the move from fragile corrupt state illegitimate stage, to theinstitutional state wise owner of the legitimate stage, it must be to achieve consensus among those Sosiossayash loyalties based on pre - civil. This consensus will not accomplish the closed Authority comprador Almtoslmh current political process, but also be carried out by -oaqaaa and Moduaaa- New Left be able to accomplish the similarity of patriotic and sentimental collectivist idea of "Alaracoah", an anchor in its dynamics to the tendency of public demands the restoration of justice and the maintenance of dignity Adamic in asociety that has been subjected to utmost injustice and humiliation. it is not intended new LEFT here political parties or social organizations or ideological currents of certain allied , as is happening in other countries completed the civil construction of constitutional and political institutions, it is an expression descriptive closely the emergence of rational political culture public believes in the usefulness and legality and necessity of theparticipation of the individual - whatever his tendency Alajdaologih- political event making a manner thatensures a form of social justice and peace societal and national prestige. Talking here about being left demographic New arise from tendencies Sosiothagavah favor of the idea of a civil state, began dawning and spread among populations Iraqi important and influential of those who are classified usually within theframework of the "civilian" or "religious" alike. Dialectics of the situation in Iraq today indicate that the cruelty of Islam political and corrupt public during more than a decade, pushed religiosity Islamic behavioral year to the community - as distinct from the political religiosity Altasba- to distance the idea of Islamization of politics, the pursuit of the opposite any direction Tmedinha and Tkncrdotha within an escalating monetary environment based dialectic of oppression and justice. Valjmua religious was and will remain looking for a spiritual home in the redemptive Tqosjadtha, however, began to think that Allaaslamueh and non - sectarian and non - racial and Allamnatqah are good standards for a fair state of waiting. This tendency Asurroih worth stopping and scrutiny.  Alasurroih mean tendency ad valorem radically to change the world towards a more agreement with rationality, justice and recognition of the unity of the human value. Iraqi and sociology today are witnessing aslow and Mitritha and promising of this kind. Tendency Alasurroih before being a political idea secrete parties and political systems, is the tendency Sosiosikolojah mass frame a comprehensive Thagavssayas, which is not the preserve of the secularists and atheists, but are psychologically available to all political categories of human beings who are capable of vulnerability within a specific historical stages. This new political culture forher to emerge on Alsosiothagavi level of convergence gradual quotient between Alaadaloah emerging civic values ​​and religious orientations correctional informed consent, within the moral and Tunaiati framework, may establish a long - term political project Karzmata impressing millions of Iraqis eager to restore the unified identity again. the main lever for this project in the future will be the emergence of parties The new youth organizations can integrate their ideologies Almtkhalvh the idea of home Alhoiati subscriber, within theprocedural is a civil state rational awaited regulatory framework. The history of social evolution of mankind has always been a reflection of the spirit of the left - all the patterns Alajdaologih- It runs in the flesh sagging communities subservient and disadvantaged at the peak moments of unhappiness and Mosawitha. Left psychological sense is the ability of the human mind to reorganize his priorities and mental choices behavior inorder to achieve his survival of the highest and most beautiful on the level groups and nations. Iraq will not be an exception to all of this, which captures the culture , values ​​and social latent tendency Asurroih rooted!  
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