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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Foreign Affairs calls "to respond to calls," the Paris Conference and stresses: aims t

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    Parliamentary Foreign Affairs calls "to respond to calls," the Paris Conference and stresses: aims t Empty Parliamentary Foreign Affairs calls "to respond to calls," the Paris Conference and stresses: aims t

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 May 2016, 3:38 am

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    Conference held in the French capital, Paris, on Saturday (May 28, 2016).
    Parliamentary Foreign Affairs calls "to respond to calls," the Paris Conference and stresses: aims to divide Iraq along sectarian lines

    Author: HH, ZJ 
    Editor: BK, HH 5.29.2016 17:38 Number ofViews: 955 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    [rtl]Called on the Foreign Relations Committee in the House of Representatives, on Sunday, the government response for "conspiracy" split Iraq, which calls her "the Iraqi opposition conference" held, on Saturday, in the French capital Paris, while I went back to Congress to try "to find a new pretext for external intervention in the country's affairs and seek to divide along sectarian lines threaten its unity and its future as a nation. "[/rtl]
    He told the Foreign Relations Committee member Khalid al-Asadi, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), he said that "the so-called Paris Conference of the Iraqi opposition, is nothing but an attempt to find an alternative to the Sunni political forces in Iraq," noting that "the Conference holds a sectarian character because he is trying to focus on the issue of the region and how to divide Iraq and to take advantage of the issue raised by a new issue of border demarcation along sectarian lines rather than geographic which threatens the unity of Iraq and its future as a nation. "
    He said al-Asadi, that "the government represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, should address such attempts," calling "to deliver a clear message to France that it is not able to play a role in Iraq's future with such ridiculous way," as he put it.
    He called al-Asadi, a leader of the coalition of state law, led by Nuri al-Maliki, France "to take a positive attitude toward Iraq," returned that "the conference to try to find a new justification for foreign intervention in the affairs of Iraq, and seeking to divide along sectarian lines after the end of the Sykes-Picot agreement that divided the region geographically ".
    The official spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Jamal confirmed on Saturday (the 28th of May, the current 2016), that the Iraqi opposition conference held in Paris "unacceptable", while surprised of his contract, particularly embracing the figures required set by the Iraqi judiciary, revealed Iraq deal with the French side, the lack of care conferences "suspicious."
    And saw the French capital, Paris, on Saturday (May 28, 2016), the opening of the Iraqi opposition conference with the participation of a number of well-known for its opposition to the Iraqi government's political and religious figures, also attended by the former Prime Minister of France, Dominique de Villepin, said in his footnote that "the sovereignty of Iraq since 2003 dubious and that's what we said, and President Jacques Chirac, and then we asked how can impose democracy on a country by force and Iraq's fragmented. "
    It is noteworthy that France has rejected some time ago an Iraqi invitation for not hosting the conference, which was held under the auspices of the international organization "Iraq Ambassadors for Peace", was also attended by Arab and international personalities, including former Republican Senator David Weldon, a former adviser in the Bush administration, Bradley Blackman, religious authority Lebanese, Mohammed al-Husseini, and others.

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