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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In the face of the challenges faced by higher education

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    In the face of the challenges faced by higher education Empty In the face of the challenges faced by higher education

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Oct 2016, 2:59 am

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    In the face of the challenges faced by higher education

     d. Mohammed al-Rubaie 

    Higher Education in Iraq is facing enormous difficulties as a result of the accumulation of crises and the continuing political instability and external intervention of conscious and unconscious in his policies, but in matters of academic universities and in the management methods and conduct.
    I have this abnormal and bizarre case led to the decline in Iraqi universities levels and hinder its development compared to the Arab, regional and international universities have international statistics showed a hereditary weakness of higher education, research and innovation in Iraq and his assumption of thevery low ranking in the global stairs rates scientific and academic production so that Iraq occupied tenth place among 16 eastern state Middle scientific production rate while Turkey topped the standings with more than 400,000 scientific bulletin, followed by Israel and Iran , about 300 000 bulletin. But Iraq did not produce less than 13,000 bulletin in its history , a little of Oman and Qatar , the highest rate. But if we take into account the H rate (H) , which measures both the productivity and the degree citation (reference) works published for scientists, we are amazed to see the status of Iraq descend to the fourteenth class so that only Bahrain and Yemen did not stay at a lower rate. 
    Show international classifications of university centers significant weakness in the performance of Iraqi universities in general , despite the observation of the existence of a genuine scientific renaissance on thehorizon, including the call to prevent any political interference in the affairs of higher education begins and to support educational and cognitive scientists march to Iraq. However , it is difficult to predict the outcomes ofthese scientific Renaissance and the continuity and sustainability not in a position to exercise educational methods and the Academy of sound and proven globally, and under the domination of a short political interests be considered outside the framework of higher education hinder the capacity utilization and thescientific competence and lead to the obstruction of administrative decisions aimed at getting rid of relics negative left by the previous dictatorial regime and terrorism and instability. 
    the autonomy of universities and Tmanknha perform administrative and functional tasks, which is in our view represent the spirit of academic work and the main factor in the rise of universities and renaissance society, stems from the independence of administrative and academic decision of the Ministry of Higher Education andscientific research in the intellectual and organizational protection universities and maintenance of foreign interventions from the perspective of positive interaction within the university and outside, and between them and the ministry , including social constructive dialogue and enacting the national Alstratejh of Education andHigher Education in Iraq and painted a policy addressing underdevelopment by creating a healthy environment commensurate with the scientific, educational and technological world progress, It puts ambitious targets and strategic options to raise the educational and scientific reality in Iraq, confirmed the existence of overlapping and conflicting and not great clarity in the powers of each level of administrative levels down to the legislature.She suggested practical steps to be taken to implement these options. 
    In practice , we discover the difficulty of achieving administrative reform to enable the universities to develop the quality of education and improve educational methods and relying on a new vision for the future of higher education because of the constant interference by the authority of the political decision of the House ofRepresentatives and other centers of power that often what influenced by foreign substances and to respond to the demands of illegal and hasty decisions based on an incorrect diagnosis, and without meaningful consultation with stakeholders and to know the opinion of the faculty and scientists ministerial bodies and university leaders. Such consultation positive interaction with academics will help the House of Representatives to respond properly legitimate demands of all parties and to reject the demands of illegal and destructive and disruptive to the process of higher education , such as re - student decision Almrguenp chains in the primary and Graduate Studies and the granting of the third role of repeaters for students , which represents adangerous precedent of political interference unacceptable at the heart of academic and educational work and in favor of the failed students in exams and practitioners to cheat as well as he ran with the ministry 's policy and universities started taking serious steps towards global and trying to integrate the global education system and the application of global systems, including the cancellation of the second rounds exams and III and theelimination of fraud , which is the biggest disaster She closed on education, and in consolidating and activating the emotional and moral aspects of the applicant and his willingness to abide by the principles of the ethics of the profession. 
    It seems clear clearly in the present day importance of adhering to the ethics of the profession when thestudent and the professor as part of the resistance to the rampant corruption in the Iraqi administration and enable universities to spread knowledge and meet the challenges and the development of qualifications necessary to diagnose the risks facing higher education and to identify priorities for reform and change, including the independence of the decision - academic and respected by the society and its political forces and resist temptations in the legislation of laws and instruct in matters affected by the negative impact on thequality of education or graduate level, manpower , scientific and production, a situation that has reached adegree of so weak that require sound the alarm and declare a state of alert to face the challenges and dangers to higher education. 
    in this sense , I stand and in a professional and respect for ethics and principles of academic education andacademic freedoms with the announcement by elite academics in the pool (academics) to reject the decision of the House of Representatives and their emphasis on the importance of labor laws Ethics Academy and to support the orientations of the Minister of Higher Education sedate education and prevention of the so - called third floor issues and to support the new reformist tendencies.

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