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    Member of the parliamentary foreign relations with Kuwait: behind the slowdown in opening to Iraq

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    Member of the parliamentary foreign relations with Kuwait: behind the slowdown in opening to Iraq Empty Member of the parliamentary foreign relations with Kuwait: behind the slowdown in opening to Iraq

    Post by lonelyintexas Sat 22 Jun 2013, 1:04 pm

    Member of the parliamentary foreign relations with Kuwait: behind the slowdown in opening to Iraq

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    Saturday, 22 June 2013 07: 18

    Overbalance the parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee member Imad is slowing Yash John diplomatic relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia because of the evolution of the Iraq-Kuwait relations.

    Relations between Iraq and Kuwait described positive developments over the past months, to finish the outstanding issues between the two countries, Iraq's output of international sanctions imposed in section VII, by the UN Security Council, the most recent visit of the Kuwaiti delegation to Iraq on 12 of June of the current Prime Minister Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah wokia several agreements and memorandums of understanding, will pave to exit Iraq from international sanctions, according to observers.

    Yash said each agency for Iraq [in] that "the slowdown in relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia applies to most Gulf States, namely Saudi Arabia, which is the largest of the Gulf countries in terms of historical dimension, religious, cultural, economic, etc. which was supposed to be one of the first States seeking to open up to Iraq but the sectarian situation in the region on this relationship as well as to the subject of Iraq-Kuwait rapprochement which may have a role in this diplomatic slowdown between Baghdad and Riyadh."

    He noted that "Iraq today on the outskirts of item VII and its relations with Kuwait, despite the complex files distinct and complex, we note on Qatar and Saudi Arabia have negative attitudes with Iraq that is calculated on the two countries and to working together to improve the relationship and show good will in this direction and should indicate their positions and why this rupture or slow development of the relationship with Iraq."

    However, the parliamentary foreign Committee member that "relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia did not fail and today there are representation between the two countries and that it was not the required level and hopefully rise."

    "We have repeatedly States that Arabic be proactive for openness on Iraq which would force in the region and in its regional and international and Arabic countries should support Iraq after change whatever the reasons and differences in a way that regime change was passed 10 years ago to change and several parliamentary and local elections, Iraq today has full sovereignty and reach out to all countries but each country consider their internal, political realities and relations with other States".

    Saudi Arabia has appointed in late February 2012 [Fahd Suleiman Al-enhanced] to be the first Saudi Ambassador to the non-resident in Iraq since 1990 when it invaded the former President Saddam Hussein, the State of Kuwait and the Ambassador recognizes his diplomatically to cut diplomatic relations between the two countries 22 years ago.

    Saudi newspaper was revealed on the 9th of this month near the completion of the Saudi delegation in charge of follow-up to the Saudi prisoners to Iraq file to close the file on the agreements made between the interior ministries in the two Countries. "

    It quoted an official source at the Iraqi did not name "the visit will take place in the coming days and it is dedicated to closing the file of prisoners, Amnesty some either not covered by Amnesty, the two sides will discuss the implementation of the Convention on Riyadh for migrated Exchange of convicts to complete the rest of the Board in Saudi Arabia".

    The Iraqi-Saudi Security Committee of high-level fair last month signed an exchange agreement [166] a Saudi and Iraqi prisoners in two jails, that entered into force in 30 days from the date of signature of the agreement, the Interior Minister, Mohammed bin Nayef, the Deputy Interior Minister Adnan Al-Assadi, during the latter's visit to Riyadh in late last November 2012 to set up a joint Commission to meet in Saudi Arabia to boost the transfer of persons sentenced to custodial penalties under regional conventions And between the two countries, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity, and consistent with the laws and regulations applicable in Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

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    Member of the parliamentary foreign relations with Kuwait: behind the slowdown in opening to Iraq Empty Re: Member of the parliamentary foreign relations with Kuwait: behind the slowdown in opening to Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Jun 2013, 5:32 pm

    good articles today LIT, thanks

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