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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    It must be tried. Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance or Nuri al-Maliki?

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    It must be tried. Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance or Nuri al-Maliki? Empty It must be tried. Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance or Nuri al-Maliki?

    Post by Rocky Fri 28 Jun 2013, 4:27 am

    It must be tried. Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance or Nuri al-Maliki?

    Friday, June 28, 2013

    Dr. Kazem Al-Habib

    Iraq live in this strange phenomenon of recent years is fantastic, the phenomenon of abuse of trust and honor of the people and their continentally and clean them by actually being official element b of plunder and financial corruption is a growing problem in the State, Government and society in Iraq, as Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and in charge of the country's resources. I have dismissed Mr. Central Bank Governor Sinan Al-Shabibi, Dr Mohammad Reza, known for his integrity and virtue and dignity, and ordered his arrest on arrival at Baghdad airport from an official trip to Japan, which imposed the stay abroad because he realizes the meaning of revenge towards Turkish Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki because its response to grant the right to dispose of the reserves of the Central Bank, and that he was suffering from several diseasesThe detention decision, a request to return to Iraq and tried to draw a charge, but the Governor ordered him and the unjust arrest issued against him did not respond to this request.
    And a few days after the decision was made to arrest the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, known as Dr. Economic appearance of personal Mohammed Saleh, and imprisoned in the prison with a group women and men of the finest staff of the Central Bank of Iraq. After several weeks following the decision of the global campaign for the release of Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance alone ensure that the person appearing before the Court to guarantee Iraqi charges have been brought against him so far.
    Select Thursday, 20/6/2013 on pleading before the Court, but it was postponed for one month. And the rest of the detainees had not been released yet.
    I knew Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance with a high level of specialization in economic and financial matters, monetary and scientific spirit and higher cash and high efficiency at work, and was the brother Mohammad Saleh appearance is an excellent example of his career and his performance of his duties, he was a researcher and analyst. A lot of research published during the past years. Not scientific level at Iraq, but Arab and regional level. How was accurate when he wrote the following excerpt in search of his themed: "Iraq and the future of neo-liberalism.By: Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance * former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank in the Buratha website:
    "The neo-liberal phase ended its dominance, which began in the 1980s with the globalization of capital markets, cross of sovereignty, began development on the three principles of the pages of the Washington consensus, namely: the adoption of the so-called small State model or reduce the State's role in economic life, as well as freedom from regulatory constraints on markets and move towards free trade and open markets, as well as indulging in privatization and strengthening private property and wealth. The international financial crisis, which ended with the markets of financial movements daily deal estimated at $ 4 trillion and a financial market capital value of its assets by about 800 trillion dollars, it nominally the movement to outperform global trade that does not exceed $ 20 trillion of goods and services annually and an annual global GDP is only 70 trillion dollars at best. In view of this contradiction between the symbolic economy posed by the financial and capital market movements of hot money and the real economy, which is only a fraction compared to the symbolic market hit by the international financial crisis, recession, financial globalization started with the extensive freedom been slowly falling apart with the loss of properties of the Washington consensus in a predicament of the economic crisis that initiated the collapse of the US market aAt the end of the financial year 2008 and named after the mortgage crisis. So it is no longer the three pillars of neoliberalism under the Washington consensus that the enthusiasm towards the establishment of a financial market and global production passing sovereignty free of controls or limitations as established by the theory of globalization since the 1980s, especially after the cost of providing security and social peace, international rates are not commensurate with the current edit area markets money and freedom of movement. The cost of security was appropriate is directly proportional with the freedom of financial movements. " Then referring to Iraq:
    "Note on Iraq that liberal legislation that imposed high financial came by the CPA between 2003-2004 where Iraq's financial market was liberalized and free foreign exchange economic system still depends on a oil unilaterally, which come within the flows of foreign currency from oil revenues exclusively, while market generate a State of coexistence on the general budget and maximize financial and trakmadtha then make outflows without contribution inflows of foreign exchange."
    This observation is aware that the Iraqi Government does not have a rational economic policy and a far cry from the State financial resources directed towards the process of changing the economic structure with large financial investments towards industry and agriculture for it despite the lack of awareness of the new liberalism is committed to moving away from State investment in the industrial and agricultural sectors and help the private sector to invest in productive sectors.
    The illness lies in Iraq's central Iraqi Government and not the Central Bank's policy, which the human can vary or consistent, but the illness in Iraqi Government policy and its irrational and unconscious of what plagues Iraq. It's ordeal.

    While the indictment of the head of Government on current policies in the economic, social, cultural, environmental and absence of democracy and supremacy of the State and society gradually, it will charge towards the employees loyal to the homeland and people and keen to his money. While you should try Qusay Al-Suhail, the outgoing Deputy Speaker of the House of representatives finally, because his scandal in accusing the Governor of the Central Bank and conspiracy against his sacking and arrest, trial decision still senior officials of the Central Bank abolished in effect and although clearly the factors behind such scandal, in a system of communal almhassi scandals grow day after day.

    It's the plight of Iraq, to be on top of another despot held accountable Government dedicated rather than repaid even and fail to hold abusers to Iraq and its riches. It's really the ordeal of Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance and a group of employees and staff alnhabh and remains corrupt and vile acts performing at large spoilers and are free and wreak havoc in the country.

    To raise our voices in protest against the prosecution of Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance and the accused.

    To demand the cancellation of the trial and the prosecution of what drag of Central Bank Governor and his Deputy, a group of bank employees. To demand the trial of the cause in what has happened since the sacking and arrest of daihah senior Central Bank officials of the rapid deterioration of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar.

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