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    Iran calls for the abolition of entry visa with Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Iran calls for the abolition of entry visa with Iraq Empty Iran calls for the abolition of entry visa with Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 22 Nov 2016, 2:18 am

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    Iranian visitors
    Iran calls for the abolition of entry visa with Iraq

    Author: HAA 
    Editor: BK 
    11/21/2016 19:39 
    Number of Views: 2197

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    It called Hajj Organization and the Iranian visit, on Monday, to cancel the entry between Iran and Iraq visa, indicating that nearly two million people have crossed the Iraqi border to perform the forty-day visit, including more than 70 thousand foreign.
    The head of the organization, happy Oouhdi, told media followed up (range Press), "The organization supports the permanent abolition of visa between Iran and Iraq," noting that "some two million people have entered Iraq to join the performance decrees visit forty."
    He Oouhdi, that "more than seventy thousand visitors from Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, have crossed Iranian territory on their way to Iraq to the performance of that visit," noting that "800 CONTINENTAL also crossed Iran to participate visit forties."
    It is noteworthy that Iraq imposed a fee of $ 40 for the granting of a visa to any Iranian wants to perform forties visit.
    The visit forty one of the most important visits Shi'a Muslims, where Shiite Muslims out of the southern and central provinces individually and in groups beginning of the month of Safar walk to Karbala, while border crossings, airports receiving Shiites from various Arab and Islamic countries Muslims to participate in the visit the death of Imam Hussein, the third Imam Shia Ithna, to pray on the twentieth of the same month, which marks the visit (forty) or the return of the head of Hussein and Rhth and his supporters who died in the battle of Karbala in 61 for migration, it has become the practice or this ritual annual tradition after the collapse of the former regime, which was put strict limits on the exercise of Shiite rituals .

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