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    Dry: political during the quiet atmosphere is positive hope that lead to tangible results

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    Dry: political during the quiet atmosphere is positive hope that lead to tangible results Empty Dry: political during the quiet atmosphere is positive hope that lead to tangible results

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Jul 2013, 4:36 am

    Dry: political during the quiet atmosphere is positive hope that lead to tangible results

    Tuesday, July 16 / July 2013 09:42 | PDF | Print | Send to a Friend

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} praised the MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Ahawk dry, dialogues political arena of Iraq, noting that these dialogues and in the calm Media, is a positive thing, expressing the hope that the lead dialogues leaders to positive results of concrete reality of the country.

    The dry told {Euphrates News} on Tuesday that "the meetings and the political movement witnessed by the country within the calm Media is a positive thing, because the spasm statements and the transfer of political crises to the media and then transfer them to the street, creating a kind of tension and this is not true."

    The mass citizenship parliamentary elections, has confirmed the words of MP Habib Terminal, the dialogue, whether bilaterally or more is the basis for solving problems between the political parties is a positive and a step in the right direction, we have said previously that no options in front of Iraqis only to sit at some of the dialogue and an end to all the problems at the same table, pointing out that when the meetings were held Alrmazian who called for by the head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim and held office of his eminence in Baghdad, where he was the first to be devoted to political leaders and symbols, was a glimmer of hope that consider them Iraqis respectfully and enemy step in the right direction, and the second devoted to the princes of the tribes and tribal sheikhs and fired Mtyak honor to reassure Iraqis and the response to terrorism and the enemies of the country, broke down the barriers between the political parties to come visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Kurdistan after the crisis was on the back of approving the budget, federal financial for the current year without the participation of Kurds, The Alorza Council held its meeting in Erbil, was complementary to the important step initiated by Mr. Hakim dissolving the ice between different politicians and hold them and Magistrate rounded to some.

    She Dry said, "What is happening now is the adoption of dialogues away from statements convulsive and التأجيج media, and this is something that can be considered positive thing happening for the first time during the current parliamentary session," pointing out that "the seriousness of these dialogues is to be determined if it gets out the results of a big lead to a solution Alazomat or otherwise. "

    She a member of the Commission on Human Rights profanity, expressed the hope that "moving these dialogues to concrete results, and because the continuing differences lead to exploitation by terrorism, مايؤدي to the disaster we are in human rights over to touch her, a disaster increasing files widows and orphans and the disabled."

    And mar the Iraqi political arena atmosphere of calm after the meeting symbolic on the first of June, in the Office of the President of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, yielded reconciliation between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi, followed by the meeting symbolic step Prime Minister's visit to Kurdistan region and to meet with the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, was held a meeting of the Council of Ministers in Irbil, and then the visit of the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani to Baghdad on the seventh of July present, to Baghdad and his meeting with the Prime Minister and a number of political figures.

    The religious authority and to San Tdtha the official in the holy city of Karbala, Sheikh Abdel Mahdi al-Karbalai has welcomed in one of the Friday sermons, political understandings and a spirit of trust between the blocks and the continuation of dialogue to calm the general situation in the country. Ended 2 

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