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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraqi competencies directed an appeal for the release of the deputy governor of the Central Bank of

    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1756
    Join date : 2012-12-21
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     Iraqi competencies directed an appeal for the release of the deputy governor of the Central Bank of Empty Iraqi competencies directed an appeal for the release of the deputy governor of the Central Bank of

    Post by Bama Diva Sun 20 Jan 2013, 8:39 am

    Iraqi competencies directed an appeal for the release of the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh
    01/20/2013 - 1:55 pm

    Directed Iraqi competencies in various disciplines an appeal for the release of the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, a claim quickly released and the completion of the Public judiciary and not leave him in prison, and his rehabilitation compensation for "defamation in his right big."

    She qualified in a letter addressed to the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister and the President of the House of Representatives and the President of the Supreme Judicial Council and members of the House of Representatives and members of the Independent Commission for Human Rights and the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations,

    We, the undersigned, Iraqi competencies in various disciplines and ethnic and religious affiliations, sectarian, urge rapid intervention for the release of a scientific minds Iraqi economic thinker appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh. "

    The letter added that carried signing of about a hundred of Iraqi competencies, "Saleh has been in detention since more than a month in a dark cell upper police station on vague charges and under the name of (intentional damage of public money) without achieving a fundamentalist grandfather."

    She explained that "We got confirmed information about the deterioration of his health, as he was suffering from multiple diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems)," warning "from the deterioration of his health more under the circumstances experienced by the road, which leads up to the loss of this man his life, and the loss of the country for potential administrative, scientific and professional even under stay in custody for a long time, especially with what it takes routine procedures in such cases of a long time, over which what ails the state and its bureaucracy in such cases and under difficult circumstances unstable currently experienced by the country in all fields. "

    She qualified that "the appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh mind prominent minds of this era in the field of economy, and our country in this era especially in dire need of him and Kfatne and experience," adding that "no secret to those who follow that of the man many achievements over more than 40 years contributed which in building the national economy, and especially since he joined the Central Bank after the change in 2003. "

    It considered that the "case, which accused the appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh is administrative, technical and professional, in the jurisdiction of one of the most complex specialties Economic Sciences, a monetary policy its own schools different, which requires hand to achieve high efficiency and competence accurately, in the context of an administrative investigation is far from arbitrary governmental authority ".

    It warned that "Otherwise, may distort the merits of this issue vague and imprecise, which could lead to results that are not logical, is not consistent with the nature of the technical complexity of the work the appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh, and terms of reference and the limits of his powers and the consequent all of the procedures and policies and conflict of interest, interspersed with what is a scientific and technical what is ideological and procedural, has led this confusion, in Mahsalth, to this situation, which we are going to call to deal with him fairly, and fairness, objectivity, and impartiality away from any purpose other than to serve this nation and its supreme interests, through our call This ".

    And confirmed, "We based this whole demand the release of the appearance of Dr. immediate bail, and conduct the administrative inquiry according to the provisions of the laws of revealed truth, and in conjunction with the call to form a committee of specialists in the economy, well-known personalities Baalmatha, integrity and competence to assess the new monetary policy implemented by the Department Central Bank of the article, and that given the right to choose its members of experts and qualified Iraqi and foreign, that require it.

    And concluded competencies Iraq mission "For all these reasons, we demand undersigned in below quickly released and the completion of the Public judiciary and not leave him in prison, also call honored and rehabilitate him compensation for this abuse large in his right national competencies sincere to this country."

    And announced that a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee high Nassif, (5 December last), for the issuance of an arrest warrant against the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh on charges of corruption.

    The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq issued an arrest warrant Shabibi, called in (1 last December), the release of the Deputy Governor appearance of Mohammed Saleh, adding that Saleh has made ​​significant contributions not be overlooked in the development of the central bank's work over many years.

    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said, (November 5, 2012), The warheads big fall issue of the central bank, while stressing that the presence of Shabibi in the bank is wrong to expiration appointed governor, pointed out that he is not acting funds Iraqi, but had no information on size or the location of the deposit.

    It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Central Bank was established under the law issued on the sixth of March of the year 2004, as an independent body and is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and management of foreign reserves and the issuance of currency management, as well as regulate the banking sector to promote system competitive and financial independent.

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