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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Minorities make up alliances to demand an autonomous region of Baghdad

    Admin Assist
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    Minorities make up alliances to demand an autonomous region of Baghdad Empty Minorities make up alliances to demand an autonomous region of Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Sat 11 Mar 2017, 1:40 am

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    Minorities make up alliances to demand an autonomous region of Baghdad

     translation: Range 

    With the imminent destruction of Daesh Group, joined the religious minorities in the north of Iraq to government forces in order to form their own province. 
    And raising the Assyrian Christians and Yezidis, Turkmen and other minorities their case to the central government in Baghdad , saying that the only way to restore stability in the region is to establish a semi - autonomous province or region. Said Robert Nicholson, executive director of the Project Veloce "for the first time join forces and ethnic and religious minorities in the coalition united so that the world knows their demands. They want to stay and seek help." 
    And it calls on the alliance to establish a region - Mesopotamia - which includes the regions of Sinjar and Tal Afar and the Nineveh Plain. 
    Daesh and lost his foothold in this region raises debate about how to recover it . This call for a separate coalition of the Chaldeans to establish a new semi - autonomous region in the Nineveh Plain, and with that the two groups working independently in order to achieve stability in northern Iraq , there are friendly relations between them. 
    Nicholson says , "There is a consensus on the survival of minorities in Iraq , but not as victims but as masters Astdron compassion control their own destiny." 
    On the third of March , raising the coalition of Iraq issue to the central government in a letter which he said "is the Turkmen, Assyrian, Yezidi and retina and the other between the original Iraqi communities minorities. After each genocide and ethnic cleansing, oppression and abuses and injustices and still, we - organizations working on behalf of the oppressed communities in Iraq - we decided to join in the alliance brings us to defend our presence in Iraq. " 
    The aim of the alliance for national and international and regional support in his quest to form a region comprising nationalities, religions and cultures multiple free from racial and sectarian discord. 
    He also said the coalition that works according to the Iraqi constitution , which allows the formation of new regions and provinces. The alliance also believes that the creation of this new conservatism will allow democracy to thrive in Iraq. Said Ali Akram al - Bayati, head of Save the Turkmen Foundation, which is part of the Alliance of Two Rivers, "This is just the beginning of the march, and we have a lot of work in the future. We are trying to conduct open discussions with all political parties in Iraq, and we will need the support of the parliament." 
    Al - Bayati and adds that he believes that the best way to stabilize Iraq are forming a government similar to the government of the United States, "We believe that the fate of Iraq is eventually going to be federal, but the question is on any sectarian, ethnic or geographic? 
    We want to establish a new democratic Iraq face away from it all extremist ideologies. " 
    On Tuesday the deployment of another coalition, comprising Christians , Chaldeans and Syriacs, Assyrians, a letter addressed to the head of the central government is also demanding a new province in the region. 
    The letter "out of a sense of responsibility towards our people, especially the risks faced by now, we ask you to use your authority to approve the constitutional our demands." 
     for: Fox News

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