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    Egyptian army destroys tunnel for terrorists in northern Sinai

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Egyptian army destroys tunnel for terrorists in northern Sinai Empty Egyptian army destroys tunnel for terrorists in northern Sinai

    Post by Rocky Mon 07 Aug 2017, 2:49 am

    Egyptian army destroys tunnel for terrorists in northern Sinai

    Egyptian army destroys tunnel for terrorists in northern Sinai 3a1f6dcf3b1ccef284959e49cb67ad6d

    Egyptian army destroys tunnel for terrorists in northern Sinai 3a1f6dcf3b1ccef284959e49cb67ad6d
    [size=16][size=16]Egyptian army destroys tunnel for terrorists in northern Sinai A6e76f2be6781ff433e8a634147c446c Egyptian army destroys tunnel for terrorists in northern Sinai A6e76f2be6781ff433e8a634147c446c [/size][/size]

    The Egyptian army spokesman said that the law enforcement forces of the second army field was able to destroy a main tunnel on the border in northern Sinai, and the liquidation of Takfirin very dangerous.

    The Egyptian army has destroyed 42 tunnels since January, according to an official count.

    In the past July, according to statistics of the army "discovered and destroyed a tunnel 40 in North Sinai slot." Sf

      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 12:53 am