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    Wikileaks reveals the number of votes not counted in a referendum in Catalonia

    Admin Assist
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    Wikileaks reveals the number of votes not counted in a referendum in Catalonia Empty Wikileaks reveals the number of votes not counted in a referendum in Catalonia

    Post by Rocky Mon 02 Oct 2017, 2:20 am

    [ltr]Wikileaks reveals the number of votes not counted in a referendum in Catalonia[/ltr]

     Since 2017-10-02 at 09:40 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr]Wikileaks reveals the number of votes not counted in a referendum in Catalonia 5_3[/ltr]
    [ltr]Follow - Mawazine News[/ltr]
    [ltr]WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has revealed that 700,000 people who participated in the referendum in Catalonia yesterday were not counted.[/ltr]
    [ltr]Asanj pointed out that "a national survey showed before the referendum that 62% of Catalans were planning to go to the polls, and the percentage of votes in favor of secession 83%, while 16% rejected."[/ltr]
    [ltr]Assange praised the people of Catalonia in all its "who showed courage and ability to adapt to the circumstances and retained their electoral system under the conditions of a fierce attack by the security elements."[/ltr]
    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Wikileaks reveals the number of votes not counted in a referendum in Catalonia Empty "Wikileaks": 700 thousand votes were not counted in a referendum in Catalonia

    Post by Rocky Mon 02 Oct 2017, 5:05 am

    "Wikileaks": 700 thousand votes were not counted in a referendum in Catalonia

    Wikileaks reveals the number of votes not counted in a referendum in Catalonia Irq_45353651_1506922908

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange confirmed that about 700,000 people participated in the referendum process in Catalonia yesterday, not counted.

    Asanj pointed out that a national survey showed before the referendum that 62% of the Catalans were planning to go to the polls, and the percentage of votes in favor of secession 83%, while rejecting 16%.

    Assange praised the people of Catalonia in all its "who showed courage and ability to adapt to the circumstances and retained their electoral system under the conditions of a fierce attack by security elements."

    Esnaj also condemned the Spanish government's handling of the referendum, publishing a picture showing the brutality of the police in dealing with citizens. "This is the real Spanish state. That's why Catalonia wants to break away from it," he wrote.

    Asanj re-published a video of the demonstrations by the Spaniards and the Catalans to denounce police violence against the citizens.

    Asanj, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, called for the expulsion of Spain from the European Union for violating human rights in Catalonia.

    Asang had previously indicated on his Twitter page that citizens and the government of Catalonia would use the Internet to organize a referendum on secession, while Spanish intelligence would attack information, freeze telecommunications networks, occupy communications buildings, and control hundreds of websites and Internet protocols.

    According to WikiLeaks founder, what is happening in Catalonia is the biggest dispute in the West between the people and the state since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

    The Catalan government announced that some 2.26 million people voted in the referendum and 90% voted for secession.

    Initial results showed an overwhelming majority of Catalan voters in favor of secession after a vote banning the Constitutional Court, which Madrid declared illegal.

    According to Spanish media reports, the police fired rubber bullets at the participants in the referendum, confiscated the ballot boxes, and closed many polling stations. However, voter turnout continued on polling stations,

    The provincial government said that some 844 people were injured across the province in clashes with police

      Current date/time is Sun 19 Jan 2025, 9:40 pm