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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Spain to start referendum in Catalonia to protect "tractors"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Spain to start referendum in Catalonia to protect "tractors" Empty Spain to start referendum in Catalonia to protect "tractors"

    Post by Rocky Sun 01 Oct 2017, 3:30 am

    Spain to start referendum in Catalonia to protect "tractors"

    Spain to start referendum in Catalonia to protect "tractors" Fgfgfg-660x330

    Catalonia residents have used agricultural tractors to plug the entrance to a polling station in the referendum on the secession of the province, which began Sunday morning, in an attempt to challenge the opposition of the Spanish government, which considered the referendum "prohibited."

    People in the village of San Giulia de Ramis in Girona province put the jars at the entrance to the gymnasium, in an attempt to prevent police vehicles from approaching the building, as they closed a large number of public facilities to thwart the referendum.

    An eyewitness reported earlier that about 30 vehicles and a security bus left the port of Barcelona to spread throughout the province to achieve the same thing.

    Organizers at a polling station in a school in Barcelona asked residents to close the entrance to the center and use negative resistance if police intervened to prevent the vote.

    For its part, the Spanish Government said that a limited number of schools were held by a number of people and that they had verified that most of the 2,300 polling buildings had been closed.

    "Some" potential polling stations are still controlled by people who intend to block police efforts to enforce a court order banning the use of public buildings in the vote, the ministry said in a statement.

    The Catalans formed queues in front of polling stations to vote before the start of the referendum by hours, in defiance of attempts by the Spanish government to prevent voters from casting their votes.

    The referendum has raised fears of unrest in the rich region of northeastern Spain.

    The Constitution of Spain states that only the Government of the country has the right to call for a referendum on sovereignty.

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 2:32 am