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    Is a global currency reset coming? video

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    Is a global currency reset coming? video Empty Is a global currency reset coming? video

    Post by ksp Sat 04 Jan 2014, 6:47 pm


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    Post by Neno Sat 04 Jan 2014, 6:58 pm

    Published on Jul 31, 2012

    This has been a conspiracy theory  for ever.. ;)
    Wayne Irby
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    Is a global currency reset coming? video Empty Re: Is a global currency reset coming? video

    Post by Wayne Irby Sun 05 Jan 2014, 6:58 am

    Tommy, You are right, we just want to see one currency Reset, The Iraqi Dinar!  :D  :D
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    Post by ksp Sun 05 Jan 2014, 10:49 am

    Only relevant in my opinion because it is from Bloomberg's. This is the first time I've seen this talked about in the main stream media.

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    Post by Neno Sun 05 Jan 2014, 11:09 am

    Here's part of a good reported (opinion) piece.
    It was done back in June 2013 when the
     Basell III was coming out in the news.

    • Time To Reclaim Your Power and much more

    We have arrived at the magical hour. The hour when the curtain is about to rise. The hour when the world shifts into a new paradigm of abundance and freedom.

    As we stand here at the Summer Solstice 2013, we are witnessing many, many moving parts flying about at a furious pace preparing for a massive transformation of the world right before our very eyes. These changes are the most miraculous and spectacular one could ever possibly imagine.

    Numerous signs are now pointing towards an imminent and amplified rebirth of this Earthly 3D experience which, in turn, is signaling a headlong ascent into the Golden Age. There is simply no way to stop these monumental changes from unfolding now! And the world as we have come to know it, will never be the same again. Ever!

    As we have reported many times before, perhaps the single most important preparatory stage for the Golden Age is to break the bonds of economic slavery which have dominated this human experience thus far.

    Indeed, over the first half of 2013, major, MAJOR progress has been made towards this objective. In fact so much positive momentum has been generated, the stage is finally being set to reveal these grand plans to the world. As the curtain is about to be raised, are you ready?

    A whole host of intricate and complex plans involving a number of steps are about to unfold in rapid succession. What appears to be most preeminent are a series of unprecedented revaluations of world currencies which will include nearly all of the more worthless monies such as the Iraqi Dinar (IQD), the Vietnamese Dong (VND) and the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), among many others. Nearly all are being prepped now for some kind of recalibration, which may include anywhere from 113 to 198 foreign currencies in total.

    Varying reports suggest the United States Treasury is in possession of trillions of Iraqi Dinar which will be then used to offest the national deficit and put the country back on sound economic footing for good. When all is said and done, the Iraqi Dinar may be one the strongest currencies in the world.

    In addition, other reports indicate our country is set to return to the gold standard when on August 18, 1972 then-President Richard M. Nixon removed the United States dollar from its backing at the behest of the international banking cartel.

    Naturally, the US dollar will be a major part of what is being touted as the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and something known as the Dollar Refunding Project. The big question remains, exactly what kind of changes will be coming to the US dollar in the very near future?

    Some reports are suggesting the US dollar will be one of several currencies which will undergo a downward plunge and thus may be devalued by as much as 50%. Meaning it may lose half its value as compared to other world currencies. We must caution, however, this 50% drop is merely a speculation for now.

    Others argue, since it is the global currency at this time, most of the US dollars reside outside of the United States. Therefore, a down turn in the value of the dollar may temporarily place an undue hardship upon the world economy and thus cannot be devalued by such a precipitous rate. Admittedly, there is conflicting information at this time.

    Should the dollar indeed be devalued at whatever percentage, it is important to recognize that it will be part of a significant plan to set the world’s economic system on solid footing. Therefore, there is no reason to go into fear, whatsoever.

    As the world’s most dominant currency and with the privately-owned Federal Reserve as its master, the US dollar has been over-used, over-printed and over-inflated to the point where something has to give. The readjustment of the dollar, in whatever form it eventually takes, will be an integral part of an overall scenario to pull the world back from economic ruin; level the playing field for all; and establish a transparent, fair economic system all of humanity can prosper under. The days of worthless, fiat currency are nearly over!

    A new banking system which has been slowly instituted over the last ten years is known as Basel III, (also spelled Basil), which followed closely behind Basel I and II, respectively. Collectively, these are known as the Basel Banking Accords (or Protocols) which were negotiated and set forth in Basel, Switzerland by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS).

    Basel III is intended to create a transparent banking system for the entire world, although US banks are reported to have been the most resistant. Nonetheless, some unconfirmed reports indicate the major US bank Wells Fargo is now Basel III compliant.

    During the weekend of June 7 – 9, it has been reported President Barack Obama and President Xi Jingping of China met in Palm Springs, California to hammer out final agreements for implementation of this new transparent Basel III banking system.
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    Post by Toe Sun 05 Jan 2014, 11:29 am

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    Post by Screwball Sun 05 Jan 2014, 4:22 pm

    And in one of kennedys speeches he mentions the cartels or cabals! Trying to take ver America!

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