Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Housing and Housing discusses the needs of Salahuddin province of service projects and infrastructur

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Housing and Housing discusses the needs of Salahuddin province of service projects and infrastructur Empty Housing and Housing discusses the needs of Salahuddin province of service projects and infrastructur

    Post by Rocky Mon 20 Nov 2017, 2:41 am

     Housing and Housing discusses the needs of Salahuddin province of service projects and infrastructure

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    Minister of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works Ann Nafi Osi discussed with Governor Salahuddin Ahmed Jubouri the needs of the province of service projects, infrastructure and investment projects stalled due to lack of allocations.
    According to a ministry statement received by "Economy News", it "discussed with the governor the work of the departments of the ministry in the province and the projects that implement them and overcome the obstacles to the functioning of its work," adding that "the ministry is continuing towards completion of service projects in all governorates and as planned.
    "The importance of coordination and cooperation with local governments in the provinces in order to provide the best services to citizens," she said.

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