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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Changes «sharp»

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    Changes «sharp»  Empty Changes «sharp»

    Post by Rocky Sat 23 Nov 2013, 3:56 am

    Changes «sharp»

    Maytham Laibi

    Although not scientifically how you are going things BSA, and its president bears responsibility in addition to assigning the position of Governor of the Central Bank, acting, but I think that the burden of Diwan is so large that need to be emptied, with waves of corruption to hit the government, and enough file sinking Baghdad alone, to open several files can be distracted by the glut Court.

    Nonetheless, the institution's central bank is of great importance to stand in front of her achievements and her every now and then, and today can go back to is raise zeros; ancient renewed, I say that because that topic re-replicated at our ears between the duration and the other ككرة are Tqazvha between the central and the parliament.

    Another that a statement of the Finance Committee parliamentary saying that the project raise zeros exists and will be implemented early 2014 as agreed with the Central Bank, and they do so resorting to a timetable agreed in advance in light of the reform program known end to hold raise zeros from the Iraqi dinar after a series of measures that have been taken and which was intended to basically maintain the levels of inflation at low rates as well as maintaining the stability of the currency exchange rate, and the two are able to bank achieved successfully, as the dinar exchange rate stable at the borders of the 1230 dinars to the dollar, as the inflation rates ranging at acceptable limits are not exceed the growth rate of 1.6 for the month of October last year, according to the Ministry of Planning.

    Which is now being there; As it seems, lack of enthusiasm by the central bank in the direction of this project, which is due also indicates the central itself that this timing is Matrouh, as (and talk of central) that such a project is in coordination with the government and related institutions .

    As I mentioned earlier, the audience knows that this move was prepared in advance in the reform program, as well as the public knows that the government that were not encouraging for this project, which means that the central bank has to give up his past, it is based on management compass policies towards the government and the desire.

    Although this increases doubts about is lack of independence of the bank from the government, and stay away from the House of Representatives, but the abandonment of policies the central bank alone, which is painted for himself puts it in a compromised large, and I am talking here about the long-term policy, meaning that the policy is stable and consistent, even if Bank's management changed.

    Even if there was an intention to change the direction the Central Bank or to make amendments to its law, the required not to heading the bank from the extreme left to the extreme right, but that the increased coordination with the government on the one hand and the legislature on the other, with a line drawing independently for himself he can which seem more neutral and independent. 

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