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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Victory: talks continue to form the largest bloc and Abbadi, our only candidate for prime minister

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Victory: talks continue to form the largest bloc and Abbadi, our only candidate for prime minister Empty Victory: talks continue to form the largest bloc and Abbadi, our only candidate for prime minister

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Aug 2018, 3:02 am

    Victory: talks continue to form the largest bloc and Abbadi, our only candidate for prime minister

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    alliance of victory, Sunday, that the talks continue to form the largest bloc, while pointed out that Prime Minister Haider Abadi is the only candidate for prime minister. 

    The coalition spokesman Hussein al-Adli said in a statement received Alsumaria News, a copy of him that "the mass of victory is solid and unified in its policies," noting that "agreed on the nomination of Haider al-Abadi prime minister and there is no candidate other." 

    "The victory is a national political project that aims at reforming and rebuilding the state and its institutions in a way that ensures that the stations of failure, corruption and corruption will be overcome," he said.

    He added that "talks are continuing to form the largest parliamentary bloc, which is responsible for governance to meet the aspirations of the people and the interests of the country's highest at this critical stage." 

    He denied the leadership of the Fatah alliance Mahmoud al-Rubaie , Saturday, the news of the announcement of the largest bloc within hours, while noting that the announcement of the bloc formally will not be until after the ratification of the Federal Court on the final results of the elections. 

    Local media have been reporting that the announcement of the largest bloc will be within hours between the rule of law and Fatah and some of the parties to victory.

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